
Know what though? That's OK. If they treat people well does it matter if they REALLY mean it?

That’s adorable. (Also, if Corgis truly rule Canada, I am in the wrong country.)

Oh, I know. I have had a crush on him since he was Prince Hal and it has COMPLETELY disappeared in a puff of “bless his heart” smoke.

Now playing

This isn’t the best in history, but if we’re posting iconic vaults, we have to include it.

My brain read that as Hugh Jackman and I was about to fight you, as I choose to believe Hugh Jackman is the nicest man alive.

It gives such a size perspective. Michael Phelps is super tall and lanky yet broad, and he looks like a munchkin compare to the basketball players.

This coverage is lacking in video. I know it’s Senior Week, but get in the game, y’all!

No idea, but they are. The good thing is they eventually grow out of it (unless your name rhymes with Maylor Miffed.) The bad thing is there are always more college age kids starting relationships and being annoying.

Nope. Although I’d add that people who work for nonprofits also have this thought, but that’s because they/we are too poor to hire other people to do it.

OMG Is that last gif of Prince Harry a real thing or a photoshopped thing, and where did it come from? I’m dying over here. So bad and hilarious.

I have a board member who always gives me this incredibly awkward hug and I absolutely hate it. But he’s a board member and we need his company’s support, so I deal. He does it to all the women in the office (we’re staffed by women only) and it’s incredibly frustrating that I don’t feel I can say no. Especially now


Sigh. I keep telling myself this. Some days it works. Other days I just want someone else to pour the wine for me when I get home.

I agree critical-thinking skills are at an all-time low, particularly here in the United States. (I can’t speak for other nations’ education systems.) I also understand that parents have the absolute authority and choice in where they send their children.

I love your friends. This is exactly the kind of thing I would want to do if I had children and money.

True. In my city there are four major school districts — the central, “urban” district, the wealthy western district, the rural southern district and the rural northern district. All the teachers for the central district live in the western or northern districts. My friends with young children are making a concious

Horoscopes are my life and no one should ever disparage them. #AbsoluteVirgo

Unrelated, but a good story. When my brother and I were younger (mid 90s) we were giving my dad shit about 70's band names and songs (Three Dog Night’s “Joy to the World” in particular). My dad’s response?

Semi-off topic: NYT Magazine had a really interesting article about the decision to send kids to private school instead of public, and the politics of doing so.

I am the same, and that was perfectly expressed.