
Is anyone truly surprised about this story? I mean, the “casting couch” trope is as old as the Hollywood Hills, and is even its own little niche in the porn industry. It’s pretty much assumed that an unknown starlet is going to have to take her shirt off in a few films before she starts getting roles where she gets to

“[Weinstein] asks me to give a massage. I was, like, ‘Look man, I am no fucking fool,’ ” Argento said. “But, looking back, I am a fucking fool. And I am still trying to come to grips with what happened.” Argento said that, after she reluctantly agreed to give Weinstein a massage, he pulled her skirt up, forced her

One of the first things you learn in Contracts class in your first year of law school (at least in Texas) is that the disclaimers on the back of a ticket aren’t iron-clad. Just because a dry cleaner puts up a sign saying they’re not responsible for lost items doesn’t excuse them from exercising reasonable effort to

No, the Yankees are not at fault.

You want highlight truther takes that disparage some 20-year-old kid playing keeper for a Div-II soccer team in wherever the fuck Stonehill is? I’m here for it:

da fuck does this kid think he is?

If someone were to come out and say they consider homosexuality a sin, as Chris Broussard did without discipline, that would alienate people.

Is she related to Mike Huckabee? Because she’s a terrible human being and she shares her maiden name with him.

Best thing you can do is call them snowflakes and ask if they need a safe room when they cry and whine about big, mean words. Their reactions are delicious.

Now playing

I have seen the Dez Bryant video dozens of times and I have yet to see video of the ball striking the ground. Does the ball move, yes? Do we know that it was caused by the ground? We think we do, but no camera angle shows the ball actually hitting the ground. Every time there is a replay we hear the term “indisputable

The irony of President Trump and his ilk being able to spout of whatever bullshit they like with zero consequence because they’re just “tellin it like it is” while literally anyone that says anything against them has to apologize and grovel for fear of an angry backlash from mouth-breathing morons is... well, I don’t

I’ll trade it for their not shooting any 12-year-olds with little warning and then lying to cover it up.