
Maybe he’ll get an Uber to the stadium from Michael Schumacher

Your defense of this POS murderer is sickening

WRONG! He shot an unarmed man in the face that was standing in his own house. Fuck that officer, he deserves to be executed

Are you kidding? She is the one that caused all of Poe’s fuckery by appearing to not be doing anything during a life or death struggle. Keeping your subordinates in the dark about your plan is not leadership

So much this! Considering half the plot of the movie involved a recreation of the slow speed OJ Simpson bronco chase with no chance of escape, it would’ve been nice if there was a logical reason for Laura Dern’s deception

Actually I’d say that all but 10 people in the resistance died because Holdo inexplicably didn’t tell anyone what her plan was, which caused Poe to take action in the first place

It would be great if someone had a reasonable explanation for why Laura Dern lied to Poe, (and most everyone else), about what the plan was...

Yeah, I’ve had bad experiences here too. Fascists think if you have a different point of view, then you must be a troll. Fact is, some of us think it’s only worth commenting when you have a different point of view...

What crime was Woody Allen convicted of again? Oh that’s right, he wasn’t convicted. How about what was he charged with? Oh, right... If recent events have taught us anything, someone isn’t sexually inappropriate with just one person. There are always more women victims that come forward. Wake me up when someone

I thought that Luke projecting himself was a huge disappointment. We got robbed of an actual battle with Luke and Ren or Snoke, in stead we got a fake Luke Skywalker battle. Then he dies for no apparent reason. After Luke’s disappointing lack of screen time in the last movie, I expected more than what we got this

If bitcoin goes to $1MM per coin or something outrageous, do you want to trust that no one at Coinbase will be tempted to steal a couple billion dollars worth of bitcoin? This shit ain’t FDIC insured

Now playing

For context, this guy is a former football player

Can absolutely relate. Women seem to forget that while it’s different to be a young man, they are trying to find their way just like young women are. I feel for the virgin college friend she mentioned above. While she remembers the pushiness near the end, he remembers all the making out they did and no doubt thought

Ironically all those people voted for the candidate that was hand picked by Russia to cause division and unrest in America. Well played Putin, well played.

We get it, Harvey is a real douchebag. Does that mean every clueless guy that tried too hard to get a date should have his career ruined?

Gawd you have a distorted view of the world! Damon NEVER tried to kill a story, the reporter said as much. And unless you’ve taken off and confronted someone that you heard something about, you’re a big hypocrite. And if you did such a thing, you are unhinged

I think Rose McGowan has suffered enough. $100,000 to keep quiet doesn’t go very far

48 hours ago I didn’t know who Rose Mcgowan was. 24 hours ago, I thought she was a truly brave woman. Now I think she’s being pretty cunty. 20 years ago, her silence was bought off for a measly $100,000 yet she has the nerve to drag other people through the mud for keeping quiet about it, people that had no way to

especially when there is no indisputable video evidence of the ball actually striking the ground