
This ep was so good. I’m with Caroline, I’d watch a whole movie of just young Clark and Lois getting together. I mean, I did in 1978... but I think these two would do it justice.

Save Shaundi!

This was a really good, mostly quiet, episode. A lot of great story beats.

I dunno what it is, maybe the writers for Superman and Lois ate their wheaties during the extended time off, but I thought this was a really strong ep. Some great acting, good sfx, and a solid story. I honestly thought that I’d be uninterested in the young Kents but Johnathan, as Caroline said, is the heart of things.

Your dreams were your ticket out!

Man, these last few episodes have really been so very good. I’ve no beef with Benoist, I think she’s great, but you are right to point out that perhaps the sheer difficulty of filming during Covid and Benoist’s pregnancy have made the writers step up.

Geesh... Weeds, Orange, Thrones, and now Shameless. You’re not exactly a good luck charm for finales, Myles!

LiamGallagher wrote:

John Cryer covering Queen is everything I never knew I needed.

This was really good. End of line.

Poor Martha!

I see a lot of dislikes for this ep, but honestly, I thought it was pretty good. As Dennis said, Maya elevates things, but it seemed to me that the whole thing was above average. And that final skit was really great.

This was fine. I liked it even! That can’t be said for like the past... I don’t know, 20 eps?

I can’t speak from personal experience, but one of my grandfathers was a train engineer. From the stories, and this is obv 2nd hand, it’s rather a lot more than “make rocket go now”.

Woo hoo!

I assumed it was so she could check the chemical composition of it. Perhaps something funky is going on with the atmosphere.

B- ? Really?

100% Kuma.

Season as a whole is kind of a miss, but still some good bits. And the ending was pretty cool. One of the best slow smiles since Colbert doing his Herman Cain impression!

Man, just thinking about that movie now, making me want to watch it yet again! 8)