
I dont think you can call Maul’s arc a “downfall”, exactly, so I’m not sure why you are expecting that. He’s a bad dude, he’s not redeemable. In fact you said it best, one horror against another. As Carlos mentioned, more of a Cassandra.

For future reference, the fight between Maul and Ahsoka was indeed mocapped (not just used as a baseline) by Ray Park and Lauren Mary Kim.

Been a while since I read the book (an ok read, nothing special, but it was something when it didn’t look like we were going to get any more of this show.)

I *thought* that looked almost too natural! And you really could see Park’s actual physical moves in that fight. It was just amazing. The rest of the episode looked phenomenal too, the animation team has outdone themselves.

I loved the sense of dread and foreboding throughout the episode, and especially in the beginning. The direction and especially Kiners music did a lot to convey that, it was amazing. That we already know how things are going to go lends it all an incredibly tragic feeling.

Even if it wasn’t the best ever, it was definitely nice to see some version of SNL. I actually thought it was pretty solid. I loved (as I usually do) the Kyle and Beck weirdness, lol.

I love that Rosa made “hammed” a verb.

That copy/paste federation fleet at the end looked like a bunch of Arbiter class battlecruisers from Star Trek Online, only with the stupid 25% bulgy nacelles of JJ-Trek...

Alex Kurtzman is my favourite hack-fraud on the Citadel.

Tron Uprising was pretty great! Still angry it got buried (like 2am air time) and cancelled without giving it a chance. I dont think Disney actually cares about the franchise at all.

Not a fan of Mulaney... I dont get the appeal... so whatevs.

Story niggles aside, I can’t get past how fantastic the show looks this season. The textures, the lighting and shadows, everything is just so gorgeous. Real upgrades since season 1, yet remaining true to the style.

At least Alec was even in the episode this week. Dennis doesn’t let his non-presence stop him from a Baldwin slam each week. You can set your clock by it.

I will counter with a brilliant reply in the same vein as yours.

The after show is on youtube now.

Ha! Yes I like Portal too.

It’s Trek. It has to be internally consistent and at the very least *logical*. Go ahead and explain it to me, in in-universe terms, how people are not walking into each other when they are coming out and going in on BOTH SIDES.

Oh, I forgot to add... nice to see Offerman, but he was *not* the most satisfying cameo! That role belongs to someone else who I wont spoil... ;)