I just finished Raven Stratagem, by Yoon Ha Lee, which is the second book in a trilogy. I absorbed in in two days! So good. (The first one was great too.) Highly recommended if you like a bit of whackadoo in your hard science fiction.
I just finished Raven Stratagem, by Yoon Ha Lee, which is the second book in a trilogy. I absorbed in in two days! So good. (The first one was great too.) Highly recommended if you like a bit of whackadoo in your hard science fiction.
Nutterbutter was a hero to most…
Jurasik's still around!
Meridith! I guess this came out last month, but I didn't see it!
If you keep on watching, it really fulfills all Batfectations.
Holy summer burnoff, Batman!
Ok, so my keyboard died while carving it…
"Duhh, didn't we invade them in 1776 on Normandy day or something?"
Never let it be said that Tim Curry was in a terrible movie!
Well, the trend is, and I'm vaguely in agreement with it, that there isn't really a left and right anymore. It's inwards/outwards.
Do you hate sand, too?
I was never a Bernie fan. Aside from agreeing with many of his policies (99% of which were the same as Hillary's), he has struck me as someone who didn't really understand what was happening to him and his popularity boom.
Guy could teach a class on that!
Democrats are good at, if nothing else, blaming themselves for just about everything and managing to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Sure, when you're say, negotiating with a foregin power, or an enemy, or whatever.
So, is it just me, or is the link to the Adam thing completely blank? I mean, it could be appropriate, as for some reason I hate him…
This is what I really don't get. How is this allowed to happen? You can't just go around passing secret laws in a democracy. That's pretty much the exact opposite of what is supposed to happen.
This though I don't think we've heard a peep from the AVC staff/admin?
Give him a break, he's still not over Macho Grande.
Oh, that isn't real? I may or may not have had a dream about that very scenario…