
1: If your game requires an SSD instead of a slower-but-much-higher-capacity HDD to play well, then you’ve done something exceedingly wrong, at least for now.

Borderlands was my first. HZD my second. Both were incredibly easy to get.

> When it. just. isn’t. It’s a beta. That’s what it is. That’s what they’re calling it for a reason. It’s not a demo. It’s a semi-open beta.

Epic is not in the right. They are not abiding by apple's terms of use. Contracts are meaningless if you can simply nullify what you wish.

I mostly agree with what you are saying. I have somewhere close to 400 hours with this game, and my main complaint here is that with each open world, the more you are paralyzed with choice. The older star chart content is still good, but it is obvious that isnt where the focus is. I am hoping that at some point the

I do remember loading up Spelunky HD for the first time and being utterly disappointed in the music. It sounded like a cheap MIDI construction with a tone that was all over the place. Ultimately it keeps me from playing the game since I rather like the game itself.

Was there anything further on why Japanese folks didn’t like Thousand Year Door? It is definitely my favorite mario RPG next to mario RPG.

Any advice for a new player in 2020? I feel like it’s darn near impenetrable with the grind.

Sorry for necroing, but I’ve got some other recommendations. As folks have been mentioning, Spirit Island is really good as a solo game. Robinson Crusoe is also really good as a solo game since you are effectively given additional workers, but with health so there is some balance. The card game Friday is solo only and

As a PoC in the tech industry, I simultaneously understand and don’t understand the changes. I understand the need to distance from racist terminology, but other than blacklist/whitelist, I don’t understand the racist associations. In fact, if there was a tech term that actually _did_ represent a master/slave

Partying up at the anomaly brings players to the host's universe. Partying up for missions brings the party to the mission universe. Same mostly goes for using the portals as well.

Gotta point out that this disaster doesn’t necessarily point out the dangers of deregulation but our country’s inability to enforce regulations that matter given that problems were noted with this dam system as early as 1990. 

Ugh, this finale. I’ve had many problems with the last 2 seasons (I’ll get to that later), but this finale showed that this season was just... dumb. Locations, motivations, plot “reveals”, they were all uninspired. Let’s look at each of the major Westworld characters and see how they were relevant to this season:

Random unanswered plot threads:

For as much as I liked this episode, I can’t help but think that all of the pearls being Dolores cheapens her motivation somewhat. At least when she was “leading” (in so much as a self-aware host could lead drones) the hosts in season 2, there was some semblance of a general revenge against humanity for all hosts.

This needs a bit of correction. FPS in the way you are using it is the graphical update. Separate systems within the game have different update rates. It is perfectly normal to have a game display at 60 fps yet have the input captured at 30fps. I think the problem will be how the input delay would make it so that all

It is also getting a mobile game.

Speaking from someone in the software industry, it is a good thing that day 1 patches are available. More often than not, the gold version of a piece of software may go out before all testing is complete, optimizations are performed, or other such tasks which may require additional code. In the PC market this is

One of the reasons why this comes up in video games so often is due to it being a narrative solution to a more practical gameplay problem - you want the journey, but want to prevent the tedium of backtracking as much as possible. Imagine a long path from Town Foo to Town Bar. The journey might have been fun, but

It’s a shame that the game had so many good tracks yet the standard battle music is garbage.