
Despite how the average gamer sees it, attempts to prevent hacking the Vita are also attempts to protect Sony’s IP. Just because the Vita itself may not be unsupported does not mean that the underlying firmware, software, management applications and etc. aren’t used or are earlier forms of the same systems that might

Not trying to be an elitist here, but I think the worst thing that Facebook did was open up the platform. It wasn’t the exclusivity that was great (really, it wasn’t), but that the platform was focused on catering to the needs of college kids and former college kids that wanted to connect and build networks with

I was on Facebook in its early ivy-league only days. Its design was pretty simplistic, to say the least, but that had great appeal. From a pure technical perspective, that was about the time that folks figured out that you could inject stylesheet stuff (lol, security) into myspace pages, which slowed the average page

Dude, give it a break. Hello Games has provided FREE updates over the past 3 years. That’s not a”rich dude not held accountable”. That’s someone taking the responsibility to fix problems. Everything that has been released since NEXT has been above what was promised. VR support, which is not cheap to develop for, was

It is ARPG weekend for me. Some Path of Exile, WH40K Inquisitor (patch 2.0 improves the game a lot!), maybe some van helsing final cut as well.

There was a time where my wife would text me updates on what the raiders were doing off the field, good or bad. Starting with last season she would just send me “$100m” and I knew something dumb happened.

The post you saw was my edit. Kinja was acting funny

Edit: my post was dumb. And kinja requires more text for this edit. Oh well. I was looking forward to this game. Gotta wait longer I guess. Kinja needs even more content for this edit. I wonder why that is. Can one just not edit their post to delete factually incorrect statements?

IANAL but IIRC don’t you need to show some form of grievance to challenge a law? The fundamental challenge is that the mandate is unconstitutional because it doesn’t provide the funding or some junk. But if the mandate is rendered nonexistent by the tax law change, who is now harmed by the mandate?

I frequently encounter this issue at work. One way we have mitigated it is to completely capitalize the surname, as in Brian ASHCRAFT. It gets rid of any ambiguities from a written perspective.

I am still mystified how one can make vegetarian collards. 

From my experience, if the icon for the game is on your home screen then it will auto update. Otherwise you have to manually check for updates.

It is not copying but extracting and verifying. Both are pretty slow operations

Having finally seen the film, I really don’t have much of an issue with the time travel as it is used in the film. Sure they were rattling off all sorts of films that used time travel in various ways, throughout most of the film I thought their handling of time travel was fairly competent, except for Thanos’s idea

the ASCII graphics aren’t integral - it’s more a callback to the old roguelikes and ZZT which used character-based tilesets. Since there aren’t too many notable items that share both the same color and glyph, the character/color combo can be replaced with sprites.

Why mention the bit about the games being “free” if you have a PS+ account if that is the only mention of “free” in the entire article?

Im irritated by the use of the term downgrade. Downgrade implies there was a perfectly stable predecessor that performed better. 

Flying is just controlled falling.

Anno 2070 had a similar mechanic - while taking place after the effects of global warming, certain building could produce a negative effect on the environment which could start producing one of a number of ecological disasters.

Here is my question: have you even looked at the longer video that shows the event? You call this kid a “racist shitheel” when there is no evidence of him even doing anything wrong other than by supporting Trump. Have we stooped this low that this response is warranted?