
looks like a Civic

Oh I love this game. The only other game to come close to touch this game on my 64 was

Let me drive them on the track and I will let you know.



Same thing Microsoft Vendors felt.

I bought it at Target

Its what kept me out of Wal-Mart.

Back to what started it all.. Don't work at Wal-Mart. Look in the classified section of your local paper. There are jobs, go out and get it.

Its written in the most basic form of English so that it would be easy to understand.

If you were laid off, and would lose everything within a month. Wal-Mart will not really help you....

Nope. Voice all you want. Its just not going to get you anywhere thinking that you will be stuck working at Wal-Mart

More like Halo and Diablo III

We have one here.

Not sure what you are trying to prove. You have options, no one is forced to work where they are. They chose it. Sorry if you lack the skills needed to work outside of retail, but there is still hope.

Yet here you are complaining on the internet.

Agreed. I dont mind paying a little more to avoid them.