
But the Cop beatings are at an all time high. #MyNYPD

Well, don't work at Walmart. I would suggest that even if you don't want kids.

KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR CHILD! Also why are these people just calling it in. Oh humanity we are doomed.

They broke ground a few weeks back. There has always been speculation around these parts.

Just wait till they all afford to switch to xbox one and ps4

It's to fix grammatical errors for the use of the word "a lot." So if someone says -alot instead of -a lot.

Mostly ego. They think they are above the law they swore to enforce.

Does car prices have anything to do with it? Car prices now are pretty high.

That's who I compare Lincecum to

these women are beautifull

The resemblance..

Not a great way to start a Friday.

Interesting. I would think it would lower it, since it is readily available.

More of these.

Would it lower rape or increase it?

if so why delete the tweet

They don't need a reason. Something are still allowed to remain private.