
Oh yes. That could explain it too

He's going to report it stolen so he had to leave the scene is the most likely scenario.

I used to do this when I drive my car over the mountain to get to car shows.

You're right. It works for Obama. *Rim shot*

Pella is a small town of about 10,500 in Iowa. Pella has a strong Dutch and reformed heritage.

It's the Game of Thrones of the Anime World. Don't have a favorite character.

Ah. Im Asian and I turn red with a couple of beers. My friends say. Cut him off when he turns "Asian Red"

are you Asian?

That photo looks like its a toy.

50kph is 31mph.

Probably the same age since you just asked me a/s/l

You're welcome

But now you can watch the hit 4x in the same amount of time.

There's really only one car I can afford from this list.

Here's the hit.