You take that back! ID4 was amazing also. Specially for its time.
You take that back! ID4 was amazing also. Specially for its time.
But visually OMG amazing. Amirite?
and a sticker of course
I need to setup a kickstarter.
So what is it used for?
GoPro Hero3+ black edition = $300. GoPro Car mount =$25 Multiply it by how many you see in the video
All those go pros are worth more than the car.
Maybe. I thought it was because it took forever to rewind it through the VCR also if you had another movie to watch you can do so. But electronics back then were built like tanks.
Oh Donna, how I just aged 10 more years with that comment. Yes it is.
Just Hurricane and a number category. Something similar to earthquakes.
They need better things to study.
I don't think I know anyone with an MG.
I hope that's a good thing. I have been holding of on reading the books until the end of this season. It has been pretty hard cause I want to know now. But I guess I wouldn't be able to catch up into the third book even if I were to start now.
I think I may be suffering from PTSD after this episode. I mean I cant get how they ended that fight out of my head.
Oh yea forgot those games had campaigns. Multiplayer mode. People take that shit seriously.