
This is a shame because Philadelphia fans are generally such a pleasant lot who just can’t catch a break despite years of loyal and kindhearted devotion to their hometown teams.

You must be new here if you’re expecting professional reporting skills.

I don’t think Boston would find a non-white player who was as frequently injured as Gronk behaving the way he does.

I’ve been sick of Dwayne Wade’s ugly mug for years but I don’t expect him to do anything about it.

Aryan so far away.

That is not a hole in the wall. That is just how an A Hole signs his autograph.

You know nobody’s going to read that, right?

Black on black social media crime. Society is advancing in the technological age.

Classy lady. Verlander and his tiny penis already has his trophy.

Fortunately, Jews are some of the most racist people on Earth, so they will understand.

“You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully” sounds 0% like something Bill Belichick would say, and 100% like something Donald Trump would say while reading a blank page he is pretending is a letter from Bill Belichick.

Sucker punching teen is not a good teen.

Trump’s personality has not developed past the age of 6. He is such a petulant tool.

They have the highest payrolls because they generate the most revenue. Duh.

Brady is obviously Jaime Lannister. Minus the sister-fucking (I presume).

The Northeast just has more passion for pro sports than anywhere else. Thats’ difficult for most of the online community to deal with.

That was not someone in the crowd. That was the voice of God from the clouds above.

Exactly-like deadspin