
Sometimes!? It's always fun.

"When something, or more specifically,someone, no longer supports the view you have of yourself "

Your mother sounds like my mother; I cut her out of my life when I was 16 (I lived with my father) and asked her for an apology for the beatings and neglect that she inflicted upon me. Her response was basically a shrug that I could visualize over the phone. I just had to get on with life knowing that there would be

Stuff like this disturbs me. This woman's defense about it being "cultural" sounds exactly like my parents. The only reason why I talk to my parents as if nothing amiss ever happened is because that is the Universe they live in. If I want to talk to them, I go to that mental universe. It hurts, even as a middle aged

I think sometimes abusive parents have a tendency to believe the lies they've told themselves about how wonderful their children's childhoods were. Particularly if their children turned out to be decent adults.

I'm going with attempted suicide but changed his mind and swam to shore after the boat took off. Due to financial issues. Just speculation. But Konrad appears to have had a business relationship with Jeffrey Rubin, who has been banned from the securities industry for getting NFL players to invest in risky and

I personally like this one better.

oh, you're "willing to believe" it was "an oversight," how gracious of you. thanks so much for explaining racist tropes and how people think in the stereotypes that all nail techs are Asian! not being racist or prone to using stereotypes — and being personally Asian myself — i was making a joke about baby talk that

  • A rodent's nest with multiple rodents in a plastic-lined box in a cooler that had thawing rib meat on top of melons.

That's downright spooky, scary. But that's what happens when boys become men. Men gotta become wolves.

he becomes a werewolf after his 13th birthday? So Werewolf Bar Mitzvah spoke the truth?

On a scale of 1-10, how guilty should I feel about the fact that I will probably watch the shit out of this?

I suppose anything in moderation is not an impediment to marriage, but porn interferes with emotional connection and can definitely end a marriage..I have two female friends who divorced because of their husband's obsession with porn.

Wow. C'mon, Jezebel, we are better than this.

Are you me, perhaps? I attract these people too. I spend a lot of time drawing people out, waiting til I feel like we've built up a relationship, then finally opening up a bit, only to find out that they would rather cut in with "Well, when I..." and I'm like, but we already talked about you remember? Me now. You ask

Yup - I came to the realization that these were most of my friends. I partly blame myself because I'm a good listener and it takes me a while to trust people enough to tell them shit about myself that makes me look vulnerable. I attracted these kinds of people, essentially. Then when it came time to unload my thoughts

There's something satisfying about that third syllable, IMO.

THIS THIS THIS. Thank you so much Brian Barrett.