Today’s public service announcement: If you are in a moving vehicle and there is a seatbelt, please use it.
Today’s public service announcement: If you are in a moving vehicle and there is a seatbelt, please use it.
Wouldn’t that depend on whether they want the brand as much as the assets the brand possesses?
Yeah but paying 50b when you can get everything you want for a tenth of that is financial malpractice. “Mobility” is a side project for GOOG/AAPL that the investors tolerate because the cash spend and capital outlay are a miniscule percentage of total R&D. Buying a capital incinerator like TSLA at an insane valuation i…
Fair points, but I can think of at least one company that has expressed interest in the automotive sector, isn’t shy about buying in to industries it has an interest in, and can front $50b with plenty in reserve.
Nothing’s impossible but it makes no sense at these valuations. Telsa is not worth anything near its $50b market cap. If they drop to ~$10b, the plants, brand name and charger network might be tempting to somebody. Then again if it does trade down to those levels its clear that that market would have given up on the…
Do I smell potential for a sale of Tesla to a more financially solvent player?
You’re not allowed to protect your company from “Shorts” by misleading the market.
You’re not allowed to protect your company from “Shorts” by telling your small investor fans untruths, that the company is almost guaranteed to be worth 17% more. Because they go out and buy shares. And then the share price collapses. And…
The strikes on the converts are definite motivation here but the SEC ruling focuses on his apparent obsession, even in his interview with them on hurting the short sellers. I do not think this was a rational, well thought out act but more an act of desperation. He apparently sent the tweets while driving himself to…
My view was that Elon did all this in the first place to get the share proce to sit up above the magic $359 mark where the November and March bond repayments (> $1.1billion in total) didn’t have to be repaid, but were converted into equity.
Elon hoped to make $300-$500 million per quarter starting now, or in 3 months.
Not surprising and pretty much in line with a prior post I made on the matter (I work in the investment industry). What was striking was how open and shut this case seems. A lot of the SEC’s charges are based on evidence provided by Elon Musk himself in his interview with them. The SEC is unlikely to settle for…
Well he is African American and you know the feds can’t not fuck with African Americans.
If we’re being honest, the SEC is a total joke that lets 99% of financial crime go because prosecuting it would be too expensive.
So Elon was trying to protect shareholders from “Shorts” (people who do not OWN Tesla stock) but the SEC is sueing him over tweets?
That could be as well... I left out on purpose all the reasons related to the other dimensional planes.
What. Was. I. Thinking.
He was just upset about the $5 increase for his checked luggage.
United Airlines said the bird appeared to have flown on board from outside.
Seems like a plot line for Samuel L. Jackson’s next movie.
It’s not chill, it’s actually panicking and trying to escape the plane. It found out it’s actually a flight to Newark, Ohio, and the thought of having to hear people go “N’URK” everywhere gave the bird an anxiety attack.