New Year, New Friends, & New Me

Ok, so you are him. Sweet.

Ok, so I’ve suspected you of being tomato ever since one of your first posts was some weird poem that involved bringing up Flying Squid. You’ve stated you enjoy trolling from the likes of Baracka, you follow several tomato accounts (including Information Channel 3 after someone brought up followers), and you really

Every time I think you can't get any weirder you prove me wrong. Just absolutely bizarre.

Holy shit dude, holy shit.

Yuengling is something PA residents try to use an example of us being better than our neighboring states. It sucks, but at one point you could only buy it in PA.

There's a lot of numbers and percents in this article that I don't understand because I'm wasted. 

I don’t know what to make of PV. I can't tell if he's a troll or been influenced by trolls. He’s been around for years and always seemed reasonable, but lately it feels like he’s gone off the deep end. He’s fallen in with some of the definite trolls here. Last month make he made a really strange claim on a Deadspin

Sure, play dumb. You do this whole act and pronounce that you’ve been “officially ungreyed” yesterday morning. I saw some posts of yours this morning that were ungreyed with no stars/replies and thought for a second you got that follow.

Hey bud, I know this account didn't actually get followed by Splinter. Nice try though.

“I don’t do cover-ups.”

You want to talk about being unique? The guy who has been making the same type of comments for years? The guy who has accounts that leave “Fuck Nancy Pelosi” comments over and over again?

Dammit, I thought for sure I would be the only one to Google "Mad Men littering gif" with this scene in mind.

It’s a definite he, but I don’t think he’s staff even though that’s been a theory for years (Yes, BO is TomatoFace and I don’t think it’s debatable anymore). I just think he’s been at it so long that he knows how to get the staff’s attention. He’s mentioned from one of his other accounts how he got a Splinter follow

Just shut up and take the L on this one.

I took a few minutes to check your Saved Articles. You recommend Baracka more than any other commenter and recommended that stupid Laser Swords Nightclub Ihlam Omar post that completely contradicts Barack’s schtick. Try harder.

BarackaObama is that troll everyone complains about but Splinter writers won’t ban or at the very least put back in the greys.

Yeah, Tomatoception. There’s at least 3 or 4 accounts that I’m fairly sure are him. They're just less obvious.

Do you think Art of the Meal is the only Tomato account in this thread? 

“There is no source. The person doesn’t exist. The person’s not alive. It’s bullshit, OK? It’s bullshit.”

Why does it feel like every commenter in this thread is the same person?