New Year, New Friends, & New Me

He is absolutely against Trump's agenda, just like McCain was.

You won’t be laughing when Romney becomes a completely different person.

Yep. I don't know where anyone got the idea that Utah supports Trump. Mormons hate Trump.

Just give him a chance. I think a lot of Mormons reaching out to him has changed his attitude immensely. His votes will show it.

Splinter needs to lay off people like Romney and Flake. Criticizing every person who is against Trump for not being perfect, whether Republican or Democrat, is not helping.

Please stop popping out Kanye babies. Can you imagine when Don Jr. is President and invites all 4 West children to the White House!?!

Please don't criticize this website. It's just as bad as criticizing Democratic candidates.

Please don’t run Joe.

You must not be an actual Liberal, like me.

I'm not staff, specifically I'm not Hamilton Nolan like everyone claims. I want the same drivel every day. I'm comfortable with the familiar commentariat.

I can’t believe Splinter hasn’t done anything about you Tomato. They said they were committed to solving the troll problem.

Way to be unpatriotic.

Liberals don't have guns to attack them with.

In a way she has a point. I believe women have a right to feel safe in this country. If a wall helps push the #MeToo movement forward then I am all for it.

Even if he didn't live there this article would still be important.

I think he's an imposter.

Agreed. Won't fool us. We're to smart to be deceived.

How dare you compare him to Hillary. Hillary hurts the party, but Bernie only helps.

He was rigged to lose. Now that we're aware he'll win in 2020.

I'm not sure I follow your logic.