Balloons Full of Farts: $0.25

Gang colors: Burberry plaid

You dissin’ the 5th Avenue Crew?

I wouldn’t put it past the adult JayPa. He’d just wrap it up as a Life Lesson He Taught To A Kid. 

Malcolm, if you’re reading this (and given both the size and the fragility of ego, I bet that you are) know this: the only thing profound about you is the breadth of your dipshittery. Trying to rationalize a defense of Sandusky and those who enabled him by delegitimizing the way his victims processed their trauma is

I will take curtain number 2, Monty....” an intelligent opportunist who knows there is money to be made” 

Isn’t there a long history of Malcolm Gladwell being somewhat of a creep within the literati circles of NYC?

I loved Blink, Tipping Point, and David and Goliath. But considering the length of time between his last books (which were just anthologies of his New Yorker columns) and this one I think the answer is what Tom said: “how shallow his well of ideas has gotten”. Looks like he was desperate for his next book and is

I’m confused about the Truth-Default-Whatever meant that people would expect Sandusky was being honest, but would not expect that McQueary was being honest. That seems like a pretty big jump, but that’s par for the course for Gladwell’s books. I read Blink and walked away with the thought that Gladwell pretty much

For those of you wondering to what level Malcolm Gladwell has always been full of shit and/or has his head up his own ass, I point you towards his first best selling book and suggest you do the following:

What a fucking asshat. I commented on your prior Gladwell post, talking about how he’s parlayed one semi-intellectual and interesting book (Outliers) into an entire career of less-than-semi-intellectual conspiracy theorism, and doofuses like Bill Simmons eat it up.

“A dumb person’s idea of a smart person.”  Gladwell is what would happen if a TED Talk came to life.

Wait so is this whole thing a pre-emptive defense in case anyone asks Gladwell why he didn’t report Epstein to authorities?

Like most sensible people, I haven’t read Gladwell in 10+ years, but find myself wondering: Is he a genuinely lazy and unclear thinker, or is he an intelligent opportunist who knows there is money to be made by appealing to lazy, unclear thinkers?

Congrats Bill Simmons, you are no longer the writer I'm most ashamed of enjoying during my younger days. Yeesh what a jackass 

We all know who the real villain is here - whoever it is that added yet more autoplay videos to Deadspin. Holy shit. Just stop.

I grew up in State College, I went to school with Sandusky’s kid, the one in prison for soliciting minors. I’ve been in Sandusky’s basement. I play tackle football in Sunset Park near Joepa’s place, pretending to be Shane Conlan or DJ Dozier. I know what that town is like, and how it venerated the football program.

Re: rabbit holes, Gladwell’s palpable uncomfortableness when Simmons brought up Jeffrey Epstein was imho the most brutal chunk of that interview. It was such a strange, rambling two minutes, basically Simmons saying “I read reddit” and then it cuts to an ad read. Would love to know if there is some audio — deleted

It’s not about being loyal to a stranger, it’s contrarianism as performative intellectualism.

Malcolm Gladwell... Isn’t Very Deep

There’s a very simple reason why McQueary didn’t go to the cops right away: sometimes when we see things that go against our pre-existing beliefs, our brains work their asses off to come up with reasoning. McQueary respected Sandusky as a football coach and seeing him rape a child was outside of what he expected. So