
Interesting that’s your take because in my experience, “female” is often used in lieu of “woman” by men (in literature and in movies) who don’t want to make a woman their equal. “Girl,” to me, is just girl. I’m a girl because it’s the gender I identify with and that which my biological makeup fits. I don't think

Team Jessica forever. I love those girls and if you read their site, they not only engage personally but are very invested in being supremely women friendly and feminist. Don’t knock the good ones, Sophia. Please.

You’re putting an awful lot of faith in The Sun and US Weekly, here. Why would either of these publications know this information? Also, they went to St. Andrews, not Cambridge. I went to school nearby and once visited and met William while he was dressed in only a towel. Whatever people think of his appearance now,

My husband and I watched only a few episodes and while it never led to a fight, it did make both of us feel awkward and uncomfortable.

I'm a little embarrassed to admit I'm really sad about this. I like that duo, damn it.

I sympathize with wanting a definitive answer to the autism question and I feel like for many parents, it’s why they turn to what doesn’t make sense. But blaming vaccines for autism is like blaming a passing rain cloud. De Niro thinks coincidence means as much as countless hours of research and it’s resultant

Your wondering did not suddenly bestow upon you years of education or fill your head with hours upon hours of legitimate scientific research and knowledge. So, wonder away but vaccines still don't cause autism.

That kid’s scarf is a travesty.

You pulled out Renesmee. Them’s fightin’ words. I kid. ;) I think Rosebanks doesn’t bother me because it sort of just sounds like a last name and I think a lot of kids have family last names as middle names. I imagine this kid will never really use it, like most dudes.

I suppose if one could know for certain that they were going to have more children and know one would be a girl, that would work out...

He did not violate probation. He was not out on probation. He violated the terms of his bail. For the love of Christ, Jezebel, learn how to accurately report.

Gee, wouldn’t it be awesome if Jezebel employed a writer who could define what a hate crime is under the law?

I read that as well. Their mother is on Ray Donovan and tweeted about the ad.

I saw her last summer. I was with 3 other people and basically had to tell them to not look at me for the whole show because almost every song made me a mess. A happy mess because I was there listening to her but a mess nonetheless.

The location of her wedding was known by guests beforehand so there was always just directly contacting the venues but also, she had a point person (her assistant) who babysitters etc. could contact if necessary. I didn’t have kids at the time so it didn’t matter to me, personally, but I do remember that detail.

Yes! I am the worst subject ever for candid photos. It frightens me to think I look so, I don’t know, dreadful (?) in daily life but any sort of record of that by way of photo haunts me far more.

Ha! I can tell you that it is not Anne Hathaway.

No kidding. It was interesting because she has no qualms about pictures and whatnot in general but her main concern was more that one wacky cousin looking for a quick buck or perhaps a person working the venue doing the same. I can't say I blame her. She wasn't as famous then as she is now but she's pretty well

I would but I think I would out myself to some friends and siblings who read Jezebel and the comments, too.

Yup, that's par for the course. I have a famous cousin and we all had to give up our phones for the day when she got married.