
Don’t get you someone who looks at you like Melania looks at Donnie. Their relationship is a nightmare.

What it ultimately boils down to is: there are many more exceptional women out there than there are exceptional men. Ninety percent of the older single (unpartnered) women I know are intelligent, attractive and have many loving relationships with family and friends. I really cannot say the same about the older

Weird, SNS says it published an hour ago but just showed up for me. Kinjaaaaa!

They’re sworn to a lot of things. Clearly they just pick and choose which they stick to

A somewhat off topic rant: I’m so sick of AGT putting mediocre people through because they’re young and/or have a sob story. And too many singers! And WOW, another dog act!!!! Will they stand on their hind legs and do a conga line? I’M BREATHLESS WITH ANTICIPATION.

Robe One?

More raisist than sexist but whatever.

Dealing with the public always sucks. You can choose a different profession.

We should just agree to disagree that the non-white races are inferior and must be purged. Is that asking too much in the name of civilized discourse?

things they apparently don’t need: access to healthcare, treatment for std’s, reproductive education, cancer screening, contraceptives, advocates and allies.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.