Uh, guys? In a post about safe sex, and by extension STDs, the use of the hashtag #CatchEmAll is a pretty huge no.
Uh, guys? In a post about safe sex, and by extension STDs, the use of the hashtag #CatchEmAll is a pretty huge no.
You just became my favorite Jezebel writer, if not for the love of Calvin Harris, but the fact that you’re willing to take shots at the ridiculous facade of T-Swift.
Because they’re just trying to generate “Oh Taylor did this it’s all her!” and he’s just saying that it’s still HIS song and everyone jumping on the fact she wrote it is probably driving him nuts. It sucks when an artist puts a lot of hard work into something and whoever is “helping” gets all the credit.
why do you feel the need to pick sides? they’re both pretty awful people.
I’m black and... nah. All lives matter bro, I don’t know how long it is going to take for our community to realize that you don’t get equality by rallying around our differences.
All lives do matter though. Even yours brother. I love you.
Funny, because Canada’s government just voted to change the words to national anthem a few weeks ago to be more inclusive removing “in all thy son’s command”.
Alright, I’ll bite. This afternoon I ran three miles at my favorite place to run. It’s right by the waterside and has wide, paved walkways. Perfect spot for running. In three miles I saw probably 50 people playing Pokemon Go and three dangerous situations caused by these idiots:
Dear Hannah,
I don’t know. What’s the point of being better than people if you can’t lord it over them?
I’m really trying not to but you guys are making it fucking impossible
I’m annoyed that they picked Gabby over Ashton Locklear. Barring injury to Simone, Aly, and Laurie, Gabby isn’t going to touch anything other than bars in Rio, but Ashton is consistently better than Gabby on bars. Gabby’s reputation and not her gymnastics is what got her on the team this time around. :-(
same here man... Found it pretty boring. I don’t need TKOs or finishes, but there was a pretty distinct lack of action throughout.
My friends and I were kind of bored through most of it. There was what... One TKO, one submission and whole host of decisions? Lots of boos from the crowd in several of the fights too. So it’s kind of surprising to see someone say it was everything it needed to be for one the most hyped UFCs in history.
Uhhhh what? This was one of the most over hyped, under whelming cards I have ever seen and I have been watching from the beginning. The prelims were infinitely better.
But, Wade has an agent, right? Riley, I’m assuming, talked to Wade’s agent a bunch during the process. Just like Wade and his agent probably wanted it.
Wade didn’t commit any acts of “self-sacrificing loyalty.” He left money on the table in exchange for rings.
Wait...you’re pissed at the UFC in this scenario? Jones is the one who apparently came back with a failed A sample. It’s only a potential violation because he has the right to appeal the first test by requesting that the B sample be tested as well. They run that first sample through a battery of tests before moving on…