It's against her character. As a gamer, you should know that it's entirely unlike her to be a girly-girl in any way whatsoever. She's a soldier, not a swinger.
It's against her character. As a gamer, you should know that it's entirely unlike her to be a girly-girl in any way whatsoever. She's a soldier, not a swinger.
Yup, take an icon, take off her power armor in favor of a skintight bodysuit, give her an hourglass figure, a frail personality, and finally add high heels.
"Disastrously unfortunate appearance." Did Ben Stein just call poor people ugly? Really Ben?
FYI... as someone who engaged in gender studies classes in the mid-90s and saw this document in the wild in its early days... this is and has always been satire. It's a humorous look at some of the strange ideas people had about LGBT people, framed as a sort of safari guide. It was never meant to be taken at face…
The most annoying one I hear is re: assuming her relationships dont have communication, etc. problems. I hate when people say, "Ugh. I hate men. I wish I were a lesbian," or "It must be so easy to date a woman," - fuck off
Casually mention your favorite Peanuts character was Peppermint Patty. She will then know you're "cool,"
Stop staring at her boobs, or her crotch. This is rude.
Look, I know everyone here is like "oh funny, haha, how primitive WERE people back then?" But I can tell you that, especially where I live right now, there are women I know who would actually BENEFIT from something like this. They freak out, make assumptions, believe the stupidest stereotypes about women who are gay…
Yes, but, how far can I back slowly away with discretion before I can start flailing my arms and screaming? 100 feet? 200 feet? THIS LIST LEAVES TOO MUCH UP TO INTERPRETATION.
Let her approach you slowly and sniff your hand to become comfortable with you. Remember, lesbians are startled by loud noises and sudden movements.
When someones uses synergy I want to punch that someone in the face so hard his/her brain would pop out from the back, fuck that word.
"It was garbage, but it had been cooked by an expert. Oh, yes. You had to admire the way perfectly innocent words were mugged, ravished, stripped of all true meaning and decency, and then sent to walk the gutter for Reacher Gilt, although "synergistically" had probably been a whore from the start."
Description from…
Good god. This email chain reached such a buzzword critical mass that I no longer know what is real and what is parody.
Read that with the voice of the narrator of Stanley Parade. It's more funnier like that.
"I hope you do not ever forget me, just as I will never forget the joy you have brought into my life. Thank you again, for everything
TL;DR: Read the whole thing.