looks like they got what they wanted. no foreigners in the stands.
looks like they got what they wanted. no foreigners in the stands.
This doesn't make a lot of sense. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Japan provide health care for its residents?
MoGlo, you know I love your writing a lot but the title man! I was literally mainpaged today with an article called "How We Talk About Women" and your title is everything that I was complaining about how the media dehumanises women by llabelling them in reference to men. We all know who Reeva Steenkamp was, at least…
Text messages introduced in the murder trial of South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius suggest that Pistorius and…
Gloves make cooking less safe, not safer. You need to be able to sense temperature so you don't burn yourself, when something is slippery so you don't drop it, and to handle knives and food securely so you don't cut yourself when chopping. Gloves impair your sense of touch and make it more dangerous. Glove wearers are…
This gloves thing is such BS. People put on the gloves, touch something filthy, continue using the gloves. It is actually grosser than bare hands.
I understand they are in fact master bait.
Dicks can also be used as bait!
Would Sir mind stepping this way? : http://kotaku.com/tag/kotakucore
This could not have come at a better time! I am having trouble with my character study, a felinid, and this is exactly my kind of cheat sheet! I love dicks!
Bullshit excuse? You have no idea the damage that can be done once someone 'snaps', they dont even know they do it, thats why theres medication. Depression and anxiety are real things and even though its a fad to have it these days, doesnt take away that some people are actually sick in the head.
"He told officers he had missed the previous two doses of the anti-anxeity and anti-depression meds he was supposed to be taken."
This would not have happened if the bike had a gun.
Just giving you plenty of opportunity to escape!
I was really hoping this was a combo of Sex and Contortionist. Woh woh.
Everyone quit smoking! That's why we have Vicodin.
How dare you make me choose between red and white wine. It's like picking a favorite child. I'm pretty sure this is going to traumatize me.