
Japan can now field an anti-sports mascot unit, for when they inevitably fall to madness and begin rampaging and fighting other mascots.

Is 5 side missions supposed to be impressive?

By Fallout standards that's half a town.

...Portal was 1 hour long?

You could've literally said nothing else to convince me more of this game, even before watching any footage of it.

Completed DsSouls and DkSouls.

Quit Skyrim out of boredom. :)

My husband has worked with Will Ferrell's father in-law off and on, sometimes when he's in town he just stops by, he's super nice and just as hilarious in real life.

I had a marriage that was going no where. I was laid off and LFD2 just came out. It was my first multiplayer experience on live. I used to play for 12 hours at a time. I would not eat. I would drink and talk with my live buddies about the best ws y to not get charged off the map. We would strategize on how best to use

The assignment was to draw a map and Hyrule TOTALLY counts. It's not faaaaaaaaaaaaaair.

It's such a pretty name!

  1. Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on your gaming?

Am I the only one who avoids Reddit because the website looks like such a clusterfuck? I feel like I can't find anything, don't know what anyone's talking about. I'm sure if I spent more time there, I'd get the hang of it, but every time I go there it's like, OH FUCK NO and I go to a more pleasantly designed site.

Borderlands 2 is getting another dose of DLC on Tuesday. "Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre." Then, in April, the game gets "Sir Hammerlock and the Son of Crawmerax," the fifth and final installment in the Headhunter series. 2K Games has more screens and all of the information here.

Haven't played Blood Dragon, but Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep clearly won my DLC of the year. No chance anything could beat it.

Block/ban them and run primary interference through deception! You, at the next family function: "Hey Aunt Millie. OMG I went to look for you on Facebook and couldn't find you? Did you block me or something?" And then watch as Aunt Millie goes nuts trying to figure it out. (hahahahaha!) Then tell her you sent a long

Now playing

and some...some go full on slasher movie villain.

To be fair, that does sound like about the right exchange rate at a GameStop.

We had our first io9 Deals post on Friday, and will have another tomorrow, and we're pushing deeper into books this year in general.