
I watched them all soooo many times tho. I need new detective show crack. :(

Also, as long as all of the original BBC "Prime Suspect" is on Netflix (and it is), I assure you, you do not want for awesome lady-detectives.

Awful.We cared not one iota for the main character. Sleeping around and generally being an obnoxious airhead hardly appeals to our investment in time for this trash.

Phryne Fisher is the cat's meow and the bee's knees! I'm all goofy over this series. These folks are all wet. Just because a ritzy dame steps out with some swells and has a bit of whoopee they're all over her like a G-man on a speakeasy! They oughta mind their own beeswax, dry up, and get outta town! And HOW.

At least that looks more professional than the GTAV version.

Some people love being part of a lynch mob and they love have a socially-sanctioned target for their ire. The sort of people posting this woman's personal information online and threatening her with rape are exactly the same people who would have - in another place and time - joyfully participated in witch trials or

Is Ireland Baldwin really a Cherokee Indian?

I am also well aware of what many tribes encountered in the past

“Our daughter is not a public figure. We chose to be, we volunteered to be in this business and she did not,” says Bell. “I feel it’s very important and my number one job as a mother to protect what her interests might be. She might grow up to be very shy and she might not want her picture anywhere. This lifestyle

Sure, as long as the paint is green or purple or some other color that doesn't evoke the long, gross history of blackface in the US.


I have a funny Halloween blackface story. Really!

I was at a house party where someone stole an interior door from the apartment. I hear they later got it back.

Also, don't do this:

With thousands of drunken marauding adults in costume, some these things are bound to happen. I'm not saying I'm proud of that truth, but it's almost like she doesn't want us to have fun. I am, however, taking some solace in that she specified "ground" & not "floor." Indoors loophole!

I'm too lazy to do my own costume, and I've reached the age of mom-hood where "sexy" just feels inappropriate and icky - I'm taking my kid trick-or-treating, for pete's sake. So this year I am going as a minion:

I want someone to dress as Bill Clinton and when asked say that they're a "slutty president".

don't steal things from house parties or bars

Yeah, my friends are all like "uh slutty nurse" and I have to tell them "Uh I was a slutty nurse, and slutty red riding hood and it was a blast!" Have fun! You do you boo (that's my mantra for the year). This year no sluty wear for me, my husband is building us a horse costume and we're gonna try to get free candy

Don't be a drunken jerk. Don't puke on people. Don't be racist. Don't touch people who don't want to be touched, and don't steal things from house parties or bars. Don't knock people's shit over. Don't take a coat that isn't yours. Don't throw up in the back of a cab...