Ronan Farrow graduated from college at 15 and went to Yale Law School before becoming a Rhodes scholar and special adviser to the Secretary of State for global youth issues.
Ronan Farrow graduated from college at 15 and went to Yale Law School before becoming a Rhodes scholar and special adviser to the Secretary of State for global youth issues.
The Southern Poverty Law Center needs to officially categorize the Republican Party as a terrorist organization and hate group. This shit's ridiculous.
F*ck Reagan and his "welfare queen" lie.
It pisses me off to an infinite degree that Jon Stewart is the one talking about this and not the actual "legitimate" news. What in the hell am I suppose to do next month if SNAP isn't available? Go to a food bank? Oh you mean the things in my state that had their budget decreased by 66%? Get a better job? That…
Because it's late at night and I'm pissed off—my kid didn't get his speech therapy.
To put this in a slutty perspective: this whole farce was masturbatory, and all the American people got was jizz in the eye.
Also, the talent portion would be all awesome slam-dunks and van surfing.
That would be awesome. Though if I were a werewolf, I'd just track his ass down myself and tear him to pieces. DELICIOUS LOSERMEAT FOR DINNER NOM NOM NOM NOM.
Okay obviously this is awful... but on a hilarious note, I kept misreading "Miss Teen USA Cassidy Wolf" as "Miss Teen Wolf USA, Cassidy." I would definitely tune in to watch the Miss Teen Wolf USA pageant because I want to hear the contestants answer questions about equality for teen wolves and what life lessons being…
This applies especially so for Artists... you'd never believe how many people think... "Oh, you do that stuff for fun! Would you mind doing this thing for me for free?" No! No I won't do it for you for free. You'll have to pay me 25/hour and I'm being nice because I could easily charge you more.
Yeah, I deleted my OKCupid profile for the same reasons and I was 99% sure that the last guy I dated from there (who was a moderator) was stalking my profile. I agree. I want better experiences too!
I usually get annoyed at myself before anyone else does. But then again, my love life is insanely pathetic and I do live alone (lots of time to think).
I complain about being hopelessly single in waves.
I only just realized how a few friendships of mine are completely based off of guy-talk. This is the first time I've been single in a while, and girl's brunch was a slow and awkward realization that we have nothing to talk about when we're not micro-analyzing our relationships.
I think their sample included absolutely all of my friends, cause I am the Queen of Complaining about Dating. Sorry, friends-I'll totally sew you awesome clothes, pillows, and costumes to try to balance out the karma!
Is this an open thread to complain about our relationship? Great!
Does anyone else avoid a friend because you want to THROW THEIR DAMN PHONE ACROSS THE ROOM? I have a long time friend I love to death, but when we go out to lunch she barely looks me in the eye as she fiddles with, texts, and answers every call she gets while we are together. I have never found a nice to way to tell…
I'm now extremely paranoid that my friends are dodging me, and I'm not even in a relationship/crushing on someone/giving two shits about an ex.