
I really wanted to make a Blues Brothers reference in this post, but it was early and I didn’t have enough coffee to really flesh it out. I figured someone in the comments would do it justice.

I also work for Ford, and could send in a picture of my ID. However, all this would do is verify that I too know absolutely nothing aside from the obvious about the upcoming Ranger and Bronco.

So FF is going full Silicon Valley? Can’t wait to see how they disrupt


How did the US get blamed for this?

Still feels like an SUV in the front. But if you catch it in the front quarter, I see a lot more station wagon. Only pointing this out because I’m convinced we’re at the dawn of a New Wagon Era, and soon most SUVs will melt back down into lower and longer peoplemovers.

But for a flipper, what to expect of

I'm down.

It was an interesting night for Cadillac, first the CT6 "premier" during the Oscars, then the poor 70's model getting bombarded with zombie guts and limbs on The Walking Dead, leading to its roadside demise.

I owned this BMW M Roadster about 12 years ago. I was working full time and going to college in the evenings, and a girl sat down next to me in class and saw my BMW keys. She looked at me and said "BMW's are yuppie cars." I tried defending myself briefly saying I wasn't a yuppie and I got it used and it's an M car

I do the same thing — if you ever see me in flip flops in a video, I'm driving the car barefoot. People get really upset at the idea of me driving in flip flops, though, which I think is hilarious — so I don't reveal that too often.

how is this news, the president of Porsche USA drove a Porsche... neat

As a Kurd from Northern Iraq, id like to express my thanks and respect to the United States, its army and its people. the help we received has been invaluable and much appreciated. I wish all the success and well being to all your troops fighting in other parts of the world and their families. may your lost ones find

We have been using F18's for years up here, I'm surprised our government would even consider the F35 that seems stuck in R&D hell. The last picture as awesome.

Nissan is offering $10K cash back on 2014 GT-Rs in Aug/Sep. Guys are buying them for $82K. That's a steal for a $100K car.

The Nissan Leaf

Not necessarily. People need to remember that every aircraft tends to have pretty decent teething issues. Even the F-15, F-16, F-18, etc all had pretty significant issues and they weren't even breaking new ground. The fact that the F-35 is so far ahead of anything else in the world just makes it worse. It's going to

invasion is when your large army occupy a chunk of another country territory

Here are a few better images of the MiG-25 Foxbat..

Probably has to do with liability... but I totally agree. I think anything that has been stripped of classified or weaponized tech should be able to be sold. I think modern unstable airframes with complex flight control systems should maybe be barred, but everything else should be good to go.