
Holy god the things that get talked about now. I can’t handle much more of this.

Soccer offside penalties will forever be the worst rule in all of sports. What could be a really enjoyable game is reduced to speculation and boredom by a single rule.

This is a perfect example of clicking on shit I don’t care about, watching the video anyway, reading upset comments I don’t care about, and then realizing I’m angry at myself for having clicked on it in the first place, and then commenting on all of it.

He still has to be fined/suspended, regardless of intention. What’s the NBA supposed to do, just ignore it? Should they get him help? I still haven’t read a good response about what the NBA should do other than what they are doing.

Fuck anyone that voted for him, regardless of how they feel now.

UofH, stay the hell away from Baylor! They are the Missoula of Texas. Fuck that university.

Just wait for the next jezebel article. Should be any minute.