
I’m not sure it’s just spite. So far as I know, Popovich will still be the coach next season, and I guess I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d just genuinely prefer an established star like DeMar over some lesser smattering of L.A.’s young guys, just because Pop has earned the right not to have to wait out years of

I doubt Jesse Helms was learning AP style decades before the first stylebook was published. 

Have you tried offering airmiles?

I think we’re past gold at this point. Bullets, cigarettes, and canned soup are probably better long-term bets.

Ah yes, the breast nazis.  With our first kid they made my wife feel like she was an abject failure as a mother within days of giving birth.  He eventually caught on and all was well, but the implication was it was her fault he was having problems latching.  

Yeah! Even my own friends kind of make jabs... but the truth is that formula has really saved us a lot of stress in the end and with an almost 3 year old running around too if I kept trying to BF I think I would of passed out from exhaustion and stress.

That’s what I did. It took a month or more and MANY lactation consultant visits before I was to the point where we fed easily. It was an incredibly rough start, but for us thankfully it did work out. And we nursed past 18 mos.

Ladies and gentlemen, your President of the United States!

I have this discussion a lot with my urban friends who prob have life experiences similar to a nyt reporter.

No one has ever worn a white seersucker suit while sober.

As a journalist who has covered hundreds of press conferences and was once nearly forcibly removed from a Rand Paul press conference for asking too many questions about his support for tobacco subsidies, what you’re arguing here is absolute bullshit. Journalists don’t hold up signs with the topics they’re asking

Conversely, I wonder how many of the people saying she shouldn’t have been fired were cheering on the dozens of social media firings we’ve had in the last 12 months alone. I’m gonna take a stab in the dark and say it’s a lot higher than your number.

Ladies tell me straight, do you really like it when a guy says (paraphrasing the song)“All I want out of life is to wake up next to you”?

I’ve definitely never seen an anti Trump protest in America, so yeah, you may just be onto something there.

I still cringe when I read that. That was a big shit taco she eventually had to eat.


The house intelligence committee already released a statement

Best comment.

I thought it was traditional for Gawker to be owned by a self-satisfied shitlord?

So this is what qualifies as a Special Project?