
Now, I don’t want to go on a rant here, but America’s foreign policy makes about as much sense as Beowulf having sex with Robert Fulton at the first battle of Antietam. I mean when a neo-conservative defenestrates it’s like Raskolnikov filibuster deoxymonohydroxinate.

“Your Honor, the defendant clearly referred to my client as ‘trash’ in front of several eyewitnesses.”

When I was a kid we planked and twerked and did ice bucket challenges when we wanted to rebel. I weep for today’s generation.

One can acknowledge the flaws of one’s own country while also criticizing the flaws of another. In other words, we don’t have to believe America is perfect to say this particular attitude in Italy is bad.

“We will not be defeated!”

The new Quadrophenia sequel looks lame.

That goes for everybody in the apocalypse x1000. Sorry, but the bad jokes and long speeches and the bobbing up and down and the spotless leather jacket with the kerchief... I just don’t see anyone following that guy. He seems like he would be selling sham-wows on late night tv.

Ladies and gentleman, I’ve called this press conference to announce the results of the IQ test taken by both myself and Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State.

“And I can tell you who is going to win.”

So, if MTV is too hip for us Generation X “olds” and not hip enough for Millenials...who the heck is watching it?

I think you’re underestimating the Scrabble value of that “Z.”

They were also a bit too with the glaven and the hoyven and the mayven for Jerry to tolerate.

History marks that on January 5th 1948 Jerry Lewis told his kids that if they weren’t quiet and didn’t sit still at the breakfast table that they’d be sorry.

Are there any good movies with exclamation points in the title?

He will tweet once. Get halfway through his second tweet. And then cancel his next 10 planned tweets.

I hate every Huck I see
From Hucka-A to Huckabee

Lol. My first thought too.

He’s a guy that wrote an article on HuffPo that has gotten some traction around the internet, largely because of how dumb it is (I saw it elsewhere and have already made fun of him for crashing his bike so much and blaming it on a city). It’s pop culture because of that.


I’m in for this. Veep looked like a satire of Hillary, in preparation for her to finally become President after failing for so long. It might as well carry on as a satire of Trump.