
You mean like the camera that showed a “low-level employee” ducking into a restroom with a bag of footballs that made such an open-and-shut case of all that?

This raises an interesting point: does the edit mean that Gillette security has been soliciting gay porn stars for sex?

I can think of at least one Gawker story of recent that could have used some more careful editing...

I’m sure the Chicago Daily Tribune would have edited their “Dewey Deflates Truman” headline if they could have. Talk about a screw up!

For Rasmussen Polling, & robocalling operations generally — “Star 69”

“...the most amazing part of this video IMO is the stupidity of the driver of the camera car.”

She was when she steeped out of it and allowed it to do that. I guess if you’re about to hit someone just tuck and roll and you’ll get off on the “I wasn’t in the car” argument

So the Giants were trying to get away with a four-fingered discount?

And then they just vomited everyone’s name all over the internet. Well, the users wanted to get fucked.....they got fucked.

Why don’t you have some more turnover running this slowly sinking ship? The only thing you have more of is non-content content. Here’s a list of current posts:

Sounds like a solid idea for an App of the week on the iTunes store.

Are you certain that the Temple tapes aren’t Sandusky at a Bar Mitzvah?

On the plus side, the fact that the burying of tapes is merely symbolic—and not a deliberate attempt to conceal incriminating evidence—is a sign of pretty solid progress for this program.

Remind me again why this university that harbored a serial pederast and obstructed justice for decades is allowed to even field a football team? Fuck Penn State with Joe Paterno’s rotting femurs.

Ignoring reality has worked out pretty well for Penn State in the past, if I’m not mistaken.

Of all teams, Penn State should know that shit only stays buried for so long.

My life's the same as before, but now I have a huge, bushy mustache on my face.

@The_International_Poise_Conspi...: He should be in the HOF just for pulling off the name Gaylord. That's not easy to recover from.

@ScientificMapp: It's also reminiscent of the public relations film Goebbels produced: 'PR1942'

they were dubbed the PR4192