
Am I missing a joke up there? Draw...? What kind of gossip site is this if we can’t get the basic facts straight?

I do enjoy how this situation has given Patriots fans a newfound willingness to believe what the NFL says.

Something, something, they hate us cause they ain’t us?

Sorry, but a black guy getting bad reception in the Boston area doesn't qualify as shocking news

“but but but the Patriots headsets were messing up too so there is no way it’s the Patriots fault! 4 Super Bowls biatches”..except if they have prior knowledge that the headsets will be useless they can gameplan around that giving them an edge so it doesn’t matter if they turned off their headsets.

“At Gillette

Before any Patriots fans comment:

I know the Patriots are arrogant, but could they really be THIS arrogant? The stuff about the headsets starting to work right whenever someone approached the NE sideline about it is just, impossible to not see as suspicious. That is honestly the maddest I’ve ever seen Mike Tomlin in an interview. He will give the old

She also probably doesn’t have one POC friend she didn’t go to university with, and looks down on all her white friends who didn’t go to college, yet somehow thinks she’s in a position to inform us about the plight of black youth in Baltimore.

Nah, my guess is if they had children, they would be home schooled and deeply sheltered.

You’ve forgotten that Sarah will die in childbirth.

I get your point, but what are your feelings about Gabriel?

tl;dr, but why such bile over a couple of hipsters doing a hipster thing? Christ, have you ever been to Brooklyn?

At least she isn’t allowed to vote.

Not sure the exact law the article is referring to:

But didn’t you read the article? They are “protesting injustice”.

In DC, too. I’ve been driving when it happens, and it’s terrifying—not because of the people, but because of how they’re riding.

They do it here in DC too. Sometime over a hundred of them at a time, filling the street, ignoring all traffic laws, swerving onto crowded sidewalks. They are a menace.