
That sounds pretty appealing, until you consider the fact that the Evangelical Christians you’re referring to (aka “Values Voters,” used to call themselves the “Moral Majority” if I recall correctly) care more about (socially “conservative”) policies than they care about the real-life New Testament and its teachings:

Having owned a car with the screen like that, I have to say that is functionally better than having it in a shroud. You feel like you have more visibility of the road ahead, and it takes your eyes off the road less when you have to look at it. Aesthetically inferior, but functionally superior.

Unless I’m misremembering the context of George’s desk fort, I thought it was pretty impressive and not at all pervy.

In my experience, the veteran preference is too big of a factor. I work in government contracting and will regularly see completely unqualified service disabled veteran businesses fail miserably, but still get hired because certain agencies have requirements as to spending 10% of their contracting budget on

Is it possible to believe that both Manning should sit/be moved out and that this is an extremely dumb decision, given the coach’s impotence and Geno Smith’s disastrous history.

Francesca’s personal offense at this may be a little silly but he’s 100 percent right that McAdoo has no idea what he is doing, and that a

We’ve got a broken political system that’s much too focused on all the wrong things. Namely, everything except what the people want.

Didn’t you read the article? He sucks at coaching.

This guy basically just built an entire car and I still have to look up youtube videos when I want to tie a tie.

What’s truly distressing is that this is exactly right. A more successful football coach *could* get away with being a bully, an asshole, and an accomplice to child rape. Fuck Greg Schiano, fuck Peter King, and fuck all the Paterno-slurpers who will inevitably come out of the woodwork once again.

Which is why this tax bill is meant to impact blue States and drive income earners out of the blue States.

Its nothing to loose you’re mind over.

Yertle will acknowledge and condemn Trump’s behavior when it is to his benefit, and I wouldn’t hold your breath. This outing of Moore, and the general GOP acceptance of it, is not about sexual harassment and assault. It’s about power. McConnell backed Moore’s opponent in the primary, and Moore is likely to be a thorn

“Second it potentially muddies the waters around any women who step forward in the future by providing a flimsy excuse to attack their credibility.

This car is for people who want a fast car with the maintenance of a Camry.

Turnout matters. If this news means that Alabamans are more likely to get off up their couch and actually drive themselves down to the voting station to vote for a pedophile, that matters. I hope Democratic turnout is bigger.

There are only 475,000 people in Staten Island.

Yep, plenty of jobs available but they don’t want to learn new skills or pass a drug test. But yep, the NFL players are spoiled brats

I called her a skank based on her outfit and actions. A quick Google search defines a skank as someone who is sleazy or unpleasant. So yeah, She’s a skank. I have no clue if she’s a slut. Those were your words.

He works for CRST, not Louisville Logistics, so there’s no reason to assume he doesn’t know how to back up.