
I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.

I would never think that all Dems whole hardheartedly support anything. But the party as a whole is allied with the Latino community. They might not be perfect allies, but they generally try. Meanwhile the other side might as well be setting up concentration camps.

I agree with her statements too but from a business perspective, it isn’t about right or wrong. Her views, just like this lady’s, will cost them money and viewers when ESPN is already losing both. 

Also that Porsche owner kinda deserved it. I mean, spoiler manually raised for urban parking lot....d-bag! (jk nobody deserves that, even d-bags)

The problem really is how the media handles showing this video. Most news outfits are not showing the full 15 minutes of video...they only show the last few minutes of the incident when the shots are fired. That can drastically change the reader’s view and opinion of what really happened in that apartment. You know

The K900 and Taurus interiors look like shit. Cheap, old-fashioned, and devoid of design flare.


(Jeff Van Gundy may have been a shitty player but he was a good-to-very-good coach who only missed the playoffs once in his coaching career.)

Stfu with your alt-facts. This is incredibly offensive to the victim’s families of the Bowling Green massacre.

Lots of countries have universal healthcare much better than the U.S. But not all of them have “single payer”. That term seems to have morphed in the political discourse to mean “universal healthcare” that is the unicorn all American progressives want (including myself) but it’s not the same thing.

His antics in Kansas are well known. He lives (ironically) in the only liberal part of Kansas (Lawrence) but made his career in Kansas whipping small town, xenophobic farmers into a froth about seasonal farm workers and Tyson chicken plant processors from Latin America all conspiring to vote illegally and demanding

For white people speaking English the alternative is “latin”. Many latin and hispanic people do not like the term “latinx” as they see it as whitening their language. As Latin people are still deciding this among themselves and an English alternative exists there is zero reason for white people to use the word.

For more on this story, we go to Asian correspondent Tricia Takanawa.

In this instance, Sylvester Turner is an example of how good Americans and decent human beings are supposed to act.

Good news! You can finally feel bad for people affected by this natural disaster! Houston has a Democratic mayor and is mostly blue so now you too can feel like the people who are being rescued from rising waters from their roofs should deserve some sort of help.

To be fair, Houston voted for Hillary by an 11 point margin and elected an openly gay mayor three times.

As a New Jersey-ite, all I can remember is most of these mofos doing their best to block aid to desperate people after Hurricane Sandy. We should help Houston ONLY in exchange for them leaving the GOP and their climate denying, aid-withholding representatives. Tough love.

I will probably be headed down there in a week for disaster relief. But I want to post this excerpt from Newsweek and Bob Reich (in 2015!), which encapsulates my feelings entirely:

A few of those pictures are from NJ (looking straight at where I am currently sitting.)

The inevitable LLWS kneeling-anthem take is: This is all Kaepernick’s fault for inappropriately influencing the minds of impressionable kids that look up to him and don’t realize how mean he’s being to Joe the Plumber.