
You were cleaning something, alright.

No one ever accused coal miners, and the communities that support them, of being smart.

Personally, I’m a bit offended by any “charity” that would spend that kind of cash to have a “fund raiser” at a private anything. If you’re inviting rich people to try to get them to give you money, perhaps you can just convince one of them to host your shindig in lieu of a donation? Why should I send in my $5

I think there’s a distinction between some of these monuments with those of Confederate heroes and one worth clarifying and discussing.

Are you right wingers really so delusional that you think the traitorous losers of the CSA and the founders of our actual country, the one that beat your asses, are the same thing? Is it willful ignorance or are you actually this stupid?

The primary (and important) distinction between the Confederate statues and the other Americans you listed, is that only the Confederates waged a treasonous war against the U.S. in defense of their right to own people, and then lost that war.

There are good people in both cars.

For clarification, I’m not saying the creators are nazi sympathizers, just that I’m not watching the show due to way too much baggage to go along with being a viewer.

Yeah, blocking traffic may cause hardships, and if it’s a main road, it may not be avoidable even. It’s not an ideal form of protest IMO. But drawing a connection between that and what Nazis did to truly restrict movement?

Couldn’t you argue the NFL draft is the same exact thing? Prancing them around all dressed up, talking about all their measurements, breaking down their strength/speed, and talking about any family history in athletics

Eh, I prefer the 997 to the 991 in every way. The interior looks better to me, and the exterior doesn’t look like it’s trying too hard to be modern whereas the 991 is covered in LEDs. Also the 991 switched to direct injection and electric powering steering, neither of which I want. And manuals are much harder to find

Roald Dahl on adults is the best thing ever.

Roald Dahl sure was right about one thing:

Cumin on breasts is wonderful.

Excellent point. The DOT reg that has me worried is the shutting down of the recommendation for stronger railroad tank car regs for tank cars transport the more volatile oil from places like S. Dakota for refining, all over the USA. The cars they’re allowed to haul it in now are basically aluminum cans that were

Yeah we’re just rushing to become neighbors with all the dumb fuckheads who voted this clown into office. I’m buying a Cardinals hat as we speak in anticipation.

Holy shit trying to watch this clip is literally the worst user experience I’ve had in months.

Agree. Truck drivers are regulated pretty heavily, but I think of that as one occupation that actually needs it. And no, it’s not the regulations that keep them from making a decent wage, it’s the shitty pennies per mile the carriers pay. So, who goes to the really shitty motor carriers who pay the least? Newbies.