
And his inbred son is now attacking the Mayor of London. On of all days like this he is posting an old article and taking his words out of context. The damage Trump and his family is doing to US image abroad will take years to undo, if that ever happens.

And you get fucked over! And you get fucked over! And you get fucked over! And you get fucked over!

Your username is one letter off.

If tossing a salad behind a truck on the side of the highway is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

Rectum?................It damn near killed him

muy grave el recto

It’s funny that VW considers itself a judge of what is or is not acceptable and good behavior.

Honestly, I can’t even describe minute it was a dude...and then the next second, the dude disappeared and there was there just was Kermit...and he talked...and put out his little hand to shake mine and it was just magical. I know that sounds hokey and I am cynical as all hell, but it was just

It’s a combination of Washington and the millions and millions of dollars the defense company lobbyists throw their way. Once you get elected, your job becomes to get re-elected and you need money to do that. Term limits would help to stop that if we could ever get them implemented against congress.

Given all the hunger and suffering in today’s world, this is nothing short of terroirism.

It has stopped snowing where you live? I and my army of slave children just finished shovel/snowblower job number 2 and we’ve got hours more snow to go. It’s just a fighting retreat right now.

Hold my beer.

Nice article, Francisco. You spelled out Jorge and Jose, but in the future, it would be helpful to unscramble the other players’ first names.

I don’t eat before working out because I don’t want to vomit. There was this one time that I ate some Boston Market and then went on a wasn’t pretty.

Trump being taken down by a Reply Allpocalypse would be a fitting end to this brief shitstain on American history.

This has always baffled me... the people who would be impressed by the M badge would immediatly know its not an M...

M badges on non-M BMWs.

i think they’re only for aerodynamic efficiency or something. some have refrigeration equipment below

I guess the idea was to make sure that everyone moved their grass, painted their houses in reasonable colors (so the neighborhood matched), and there was no eyesores in the neighborhood. In order that property values wouldn’t decrease. That’s the theory. But usually some person inspired by Stalin becomes president