
I think a stronger distinction needs to be made here between hedge funds (with fee structures of 2 and 20%) and traditional asset managers with fees in the 0.5% to 1% ish range (the overall trend is down due to passive). I’m all for pensions getting in on the passive game to a greater degree, but to suggest they go

It’s like the unholy love child of a crew cab and an l-body challenger, had this been normal I’d NP, but you’d have to pay me to drive this in public, CP

If you were 14 when that movie came out, it was awesome. I was. It was.

I am a Christian and am very active in my current church and, prior to that, on-campus ministries when I attended a public university. I was almost held out of leadership on campus because I consumed alcohol (legally and responsibly) thanks to two men in the group who felt that was unchristian. Where that mindset

Does Dodge have any appealing, entry-level products at all, or do they intend to frack the marginal reserves of boomer muscle car drag nostalgia forever?

I’m with you on this. I AM disabled, and at least half the time I pull into any given public parking area, some or all of the handicapped spaces are in use by unpermitted cars. Having a vested interest in this, I have sat and watched many, many times, and it’s my observation that about 90% of the people doing it are

It’s still pointless. BMW expertly combined the handling of an SUV with the rear headroom of a coupe, the off-road capability of an M3 with the ride-height of a bus.

hmmm... Sounds kinda like The Human Fund.

1. Lockheed owns the operational support for the F-35, so yes they are bringing Lockheed for the labor.

I am not so sure the “liberal application of money can generally help fix this.” The Pentagon is notoriously wasteful. It is one thing to ensure soldiers are paid on time and to fix hardware that needs fixing. It is another thing entirely to want to balloon our armed services with high numbers ships, aircraft that it

It’s hard to imagine Arizona without hockey. Next thing you know, they’re going to get rid of Louisiana’s curling team. Are none of our sacred institutions safe anymore? 

The Durango SRT had the fastest lap time of any vehicle at the Bowling Green Gran Prix.

He is trying to help the auto makers and steel industry while screwing over Agriculture. We produce more grain in this country than we could ever possibly consume. While he backs out of the TPP and NAFTA our country is going to be stuck with a large amount of grain that has no place to go. Other countries will

bear free zone

I want to laugh, but these people are our government. Sob!

I guess giving directions would be easy. He’s the 100th office on the right, if you reach my desk again you went too far.

If I am not mistaken, the voters in Houston specifically overruled a bathroom bill a couple years ago. Is that the one you are referring to? Houston tends to vote pretty Democratic, and actually had a very large immigrant population as well.

All the political shit turned this into more than a football game. As if a Falcons win was going to suddenly put Hillary in the White House.

@LaComtesse: But this doesn't even have to be cynicism. Many people who advocate for alternative medicine have convinced themselves that doctors don't care about their patients. Hold them in active disdain, even. In their minds, doctors are greedy butchers and whores who poison our children and carve up our bodies

Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.