
That Camry just made me throw up in my mouth a bit.

Someone in grays told me they are simply enforcing the law.

Where are all the stars for this? Step up fellow Kinja users.

If you click through to the Denver news story, they mention that the mother is very active politically via social media, etc, but that she states the question topics were from her son and she helped to put them together. So a bit of both here.

Oh for fucks sake, when is ICE going to give up the image of being a decent government agency and just adopt the brown shirts as their official uniform? These fucking people are depiscable.

Not every airport/airline will send a worker into a plane to get strollers and bring them up to the jetway. Whether you are just arriving from a flight, or de-planing from a flight you never took due to excessive delays/cancellation. It’s the same scenario. The luggage is packed into the bottom of the plane. I was

The attack occurred in Niger, not Nigeria.

I am past this stage of life (thank god), but it wasn’t always certain that you could get your stroller back upon arrival in the jetway. I would say 75% of the time we got it there, but there were plenty of instances where it was sent along to the baggage claim area (oversized items area). Not sure if it was specific

Is anyone surprised that when he went off script that his narcissism once again shone through? This man can’t string together more than a few words. I am still felt dumbfounded when I read transcripts of any off the cuff interviews. They are the stream of consciousness ramblings of a psychopath.

Here in the NYC area there are plenty of riding clubs etc that are almost exclusively minority. But they sure as shit don’t ride Harley’s. They are all on sport bikes and even unregistered ATVs, also sometimes known as Range Rover snacks.

I read a couple pieces on Kelly when he took the job. It sure seemed to many people who know Kelly well that he was taking the job out of a feeling of obligation. Essentially backing up what Corker says that Kelly is keeping this orange Dumpster fire from spreading. For all I know he might be holding his nose and

Kind of a shame but this F1 in yellow just kills me. It’s.....ugly.

I can’t find the story, but I read a great recap that shows Trumps complete infatuation with getting back at Obama because of the way Obama and others roasted Trump at the White House Correspondents dinner years ago. Trump is the thin skinned narcissist we all knew he was. This entire administration is about getting

Let’s not forget that the whole rollout the ginormous flag with a bunch of veterans/active military is PART of that revenue. Shithead Goodell is literally protecting revenue by doing this flag bullshit. The NFL made $12.1M from 2011 to 2015 on these gratuitous Nort Korea like mindless displays. I am sure the NFL made

Politicians LOVE natural disaster, sometimes to advance their own evil agenda. Just look at the number of Red State congressmen who voted againt Sandy aid, knowing it was benefiting a mostly Democratic voting tristate area. So for Trump to blame PR and chastise them and threaten to pull funding? They are brown people

Probably not there to sell stuff. Medical device and pharma have a huge manufacturing presence in PR. It is the islands largest part of the economy. I am fairly certain the commenters GF is probably being sent to do triage on the company’s capabilities. The FDA chief was down in PR in the first week to inspect

Correct re: brackets. You can have two brackets or 200 brackets. Doesn’t matter since it’s just a matter of looking up your income and finding it on the chart. So it takes six seconds longer to find your bracket among the 199 others. It makes no difference in “simplifying” the tax code. Wanna simplify? Every dollar

It was pretty bad, but CC took advantage and was hitting corners, getting some calls.

Now playing

How is this any different than Chicago today? When I lived in a Chicago I was amazed at how quickly the roads would slow down even though traffic wasn’t that heavy. It was because everyone does 55-60 in the left lane. Here in NJ you would have people in your back seat ready to kill you if you drove like that. Or a