
Arena’s comments have been all over the place. Almost nowhere was the full context of his quote, so I did look it up. You are correct. It should have never come down to 2 inches in the final game of qualifying. Just a pathetic comment from him that should automatically DQ him from ever working in US Soccer again in

Not too sure about that. I heard they still practice corporal punishment there - whipping etc.

Not impeachment. This is more getting at invoking the 25th Amendment in which congress determines the president is unfit to handle the duties of the office.

It’s not the government gigs that pay well. It’s the post-DC career gigs that pay well. Where will Scott Pruitt be employed in a few years? A coal or oil company where he will be handsomely rewarded for destroying our environment as current EPA chief. And on and on.

White lady? All good- fire his ass.

The answer is alcohol. Drunk Tweeting.

Especially tragic if they are in Florida or any Cowboys fans.

Do you think that the typical Trump mouth breathers who go on their Facebook and call the NFL players who take a knee basically good for nothing n***ers who should be thankful to have their job would be rooting for soccer players? I don’t see them in the same circles. I see them making fun of the fact that it’s called

0.0 is especially precious on a car where there is a fat fuck who spills out of their car with donuts crumbs on their shirt.

This is all so stupid, and I as well would like to the see the NFL smacked down. But it’s not happening. It’s a private business. Your First Amendment rights are rights under the government, not rights under your employer. If I do something to hurt my company’s image or potential bottom line, I am gone. I have the

While the headline of this story said “daycare center”, Corker’s burn was even better because he used the term “adult daycare center”, obviously pointing out that Trump has his handlers who try to keep him on the straight and narrow despite his obvious Alzheimer’s settling in. Children are children and we accept

Some of the other responses about weird finger placement sound legit. Then remember that Judge is 6'8" and 280 pounds so I am guessing that his hand is larger than the average bear. Don’t think they make too many baseball gloves for guys the size of an NFL defensive end.

Too young to remember when jersey was only 201 or 609?! Thanks!

The owners treat their players like replaceable pieces of meat. They have no regard for the vast majority of their employees, outside of a few superstars.

Draft implications! I know a lot of local Jets fans who are convinced that they are going to screw up their draft spot and the Giants of all teams will land their next franchise quarterback in the draft, not the Jets.

With the recent debates around the Catalonia independence vote, I keep hoping that Mississippi, Alabama, and some of our other backwards ass states will declare independence. Just please go. Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

It’s really just one YUGE reality show for him, isn’t it?

I make no assumptions. Besides, it’s not even me who has the status- it’s my wife. I only fly for work once or twice per year, but fly with her/kids several times per year. I am the hanger-on in my family, so no judgments about your sartorial choices.

I agree with what you said about the evil. But don’t you think we should make it harder for evil people to carry out their evil deeds? How much evil can someone do with sticks and clubs vs knives, vs swords vs six shooter guns vs semiautomatic long rifle vs semiauto long rifle modified for fully auto firing with huge

Then I am firmly ensconced in the hoi polloi because I am not flying private any time soon.