
Jesus Fucking Christ these cops are such fucking scaredy cats. The kid at Georgia Tech had a multi tool with a tiny blade and yelled “kill me”. He was obviously no threat. These asshole scaredy cats shot a guy over a walking stick/cane. Reminds me of this racist fucker who just got PAID for being fired for being

Here’s another way to look at it - the Yankees offer about 30,000 other seats where this family could have gone to watch the game without having to worry about a line drive hitting the child. Many fans don’t want to have to watch from behind netting, and buy the tickets knowing the risk.

And Spanish is also the language (along with Italian and French) that asssigns a gender to every noun. How the hell are you going to un-do THAT? I just can’t see what was wrong with the collective “Latin” for a mixed gender group, and “Latino/Latina” for male and female.

These Chinatown buses are also such pieces of shit. They generally look like they are falling apart, spewing a ton of pollutants, etc. I am fairly certain that these “companies” buy buses that are cast off by local transit and legitimate bus companies as too old. I am surprised that the buses aren’t impounded along

Agree with you here regarding negotiations, but I still think that protesting her is a colossal waste of time.

All the stars for the comment plus one for the username.

And people like you got Trump elected.

What do you think she is doing? She and Schumer got President Tangerine to move from “deport them all” to actually trying to do something humane for the DACA children and young adults. You do realize that not only do the Dems not have a majority, they also don’t the super majority needed to overturn a presidential

At a minimum, the completely random secondary screening should make people happier, because a computer doesn’t know skin color. Or should we do it the way some other countries do by looking at the background of the person? Most of the terrorists on 9/11 were Saudi. Would you rather check more young male Saudis, and be

Since many subway lines converge in Times Square, pop up from underground, go see it briefly, then get back on the subway to wherever you were headed. It’s iconic whether it’s crap or not. I think it’s crap. Whatever you do, don’t go to a TGIFridays or whatever else crap national chain restaurants you see there. It’s

It wasn’t about what was missing from the film, but rather a full breakdown of the entire 15 minute standoff as seen from multiple body cams on the scene. My local news covered it extensively the next morning.

You may be right. You may be wrong. But Jemele is the face of ESPN as an anchor. I am pretty sure that ESPN probably has in their HR employee manual something about your personal social media reflecting on the company. I am pretty low level and can be canned for embarrassing my employer or posting controversial shit.

Your comment on NYC is way off. Typical shit reporting on Splinter didn’t show the whole scene. Take look at my previous comments re: the NYC shooting.

No they didn’t ask, but the four tickets should have been under one reservation number. I don’t think this would happen elsewhere because I haven’t seen a separated security area near the gate before like this part of the Amsterdam airport.

I live in a city with huge potholes, narrow crowded streets, and 55,000 people in a square mile. Which is to say you don’t see more than 19mph around town. Yet I see Porsches, some Audis, and worst of all that hideous tortoise looking BMW 3 Series GT with the spoilers deployed.

I am Pre-Check. I was just hit with the SSSS in Amsterdam a couple weeks ago while flying with my wife and kids. I am a middle aged white guy and had a first class ticket. I was the only one in the family who got selected. I did fly Newark to Paris and then Amsterdam back to Newark. So the itinerary may have played a

No. Don’t use that excuse. I live in Hoboken, also a mess for parking. If “everyone” parked by feel, bumping the cars behind them, then everyone would have that beat up rear bumper. The fact is that only a few people have that beat up rear bumper. And therefore you can spot the people who park by feel.

Even in big time college sports, how the hell do you boo your own goddamn classmates? Or as an adult with a job and family, how do you boo some kid half your age? I don’t know which is worse, though I went to a D1AA school where the starting MLB/defensive captain was in my mechanical engineering classes and worked for

I was not implying that you or anyone else is a super hero. During an in depth analysis of the shooting and situation locally here in NYC on the news, one crisis intervention specialist went over some de-escalation techniques that the cops should be trained on, but she said ultimately that having a mental

I am not blaming you, but rather the very short story posted here. I mentioned in another comment that my local NPR/public radio in NYC covered the this extensively this morning. The cops who arrrived on scene didn’t have a Taser. They called for a backup who had a Taser. When that guy arrived, you hear them say