
Watch the whole video before commenting. He aimed a laser sighted gun on the chest of one officer. They then told him 6 times to drop the gun. They didn’t know the gun was fake. This was suicide by cop.

You obviously didn’t watch the whole video. Thai was covered extensively here on our local public radio in NYC. They are saying hit him with the Taser. The cops spoke to the guy for 15 minutes trying to get him to drop the knife and show his hands. They didn’t have Tasers so they called in back up with a Taser to try

The guy is a moron. As I replied to him, he loses all credibility with the ignorant statement about Audi’s being rebadged VWs.

You pretty much lose all credibility on a website like this with a comment that Audi’s are crap rebadged VWs. Totally ignorant.

Tom- Why shield these stealerships in anonymity? If this is the way they do business, we should all know about it. I have no qualms about calling out any entity with whom I conduct business. On the flip side, I always try to give good feedback when it’s due- just this week I did an Audi manufacturer survey, Air BnB

You can’t argue with most of these people.

Jade Helm!

Try to keeping that sort of distance between yourself and the next car in front of you here in NJ, you will have to continually slow down as more and more people fill that space. Eventually you will be stopped.

And are 8 million New Yorkers racist for using the term bodega when more than half the bodegas are owned by people of south Asian or middle eastern nations? Are the owners racist for appropriating the term or are all of their customers racist for using the Latino term when it’s not a Latino owned bodega?

That one was pretty horrific. This one was just plain amazing.

I have a standard Weber propane grill. I also have aWeber smoker for that slow weekend good stuff. You can get close to this $17k setup by just throwing a chunk of hickory down on the heat shields over the flames in the corner of the grill.

This is my city. Charcoal ok. Propane is a no no. Which everyone ignores.

Jesus Christ. These “purity tests” just have to stop. Do you realize that if Manchin came out right now and said he was for single payer he would most definitely lose his seat to a Republican when election time comes? Then where are we? Manchin voted against the Obamacare repeal. He did what a good Democrat is

My last A8 had the electronic shifter. I have to do a multi point turn back my car into my tight spot in my parking garage. I also have to parallel park everywhere I go in my hometown (yes, parallel parking an A8L in a square mile city with 55,000 people is as much fun as it sounds). In other words, I probably shifted

They do share the same transmission. It is a ZF 8 speed as noted in other comments. The A6 uses the ZF, the S6 uses the 7 speed dual clutch, and the RS6 goes back to the ZF because it can handle the torque that the S6 can’t (Th Ugh a lot of fellow S6 owners in some forums I am in tune their S6 to RS power levels

You must not be familiar with rent laws across the country. I will let the other cities’ residents you mentioned cover their own responses. As for New York, it has the strongest tenant protections of any big city. Heck even in my small city outside of NYC, as the owner of a private condo that I rent out, I have to

While there have been some comments from fellow NJ people here, I will respect their opinions about Booker. For those others who spew about Booker, he represents NEW JERSEY, not you. And guess who New Jersey is- we are very often people who work on Wall Street, people who work in pharma/biotech/mdedical device. These

Can comments really be parenthetical if they are all parenthetical?

How about both?

This wouldn’t be a “clean” record either. The ball is absolutely juiced this year. The other night I watched both Didi Gregorius and Brett Gardner get their 20th home runs of the season. The ball is juiced.