
Take your coherent, nuanced, and balanced comment and GET THE HELL OFF THE INTERNET!!!

It is ignorance, stupidity, cognitive dissonance...

Republican or not, Kelly took the job as public service. I think he really did it out of a feeling of service to keep the country from careening off a cliff. This picture is telling in that even he underestimated how far off the rails Trump can go. Alzheimer’s jokes aside, I really think the only person who can speak

He needs a big ole smack upside his head if he thinks it’s just “fun”.

You will see a lot of spins on those cars. That’s why a place like NJMP with tons of runoff is nice as opposed to the fencing right alongside the high speed Downhill onto the straight at Lime Rock.

These Lucas Oil cars are great to learn car control that you can’t get behind the wheel of a modern street car. I did Lucas Oil last summer at NJMP (shout out to Mike Roselli!). The cars are fantastic at providing feedback, learning how to rotate a car, etc. They are running on basic all season tires so the breakaway

You can’t be serious?

I know I shouldn’t feed the troll, but show me how often this happens that we need a law to give drivers the ok to ram their cars through a protest- lawful or unlawful.

For clarification, I’m not saying the creators are nazi sympathizers, just that I’m not watching the show due to way too much baggage to go along with being a viewer.

Agree with you 100% but this headline is definitely click bait. These laws are basically being debated so that annoyed white drivers can push protesters out of the way with their cars when BLM blocks a highway. Which also sucks. Two different shitty arguments. But it really has nothing to do with the murder in

Or Dave Chappelle for the Race Draft.

Even worse than the draft is the combine. I always thought it was quite homoerotic.

You reap what you sow.

His speech looked like when I force my 5 year to say sorry like she means it.

If I can ever find a place to park a weekend car, it will be a 997.2. It has a classic interior still (not the shared center console ramp that also appears in the Panamera), hydraulic steering, and a more compact size. The 991 seems bloated in comparison. Since price wise a 993 is out of the range I will spend on a

A guy at Lime Rock a couple weeks ago had a GT3 and it sounded better than the Ferrari Challenge car that also was on the track (though some of us thought that maybe the Ferrari wasn’t going full bore due to the noise restrictions during the week there- possible he didn’t want to get black flagged).

Interestingly, it only took Trump 54 minutes this morning to respond via Twitter to Merck CEO Kennth Frazier quitting a business panel he sat on. But Trump can’t reply to white supremacists killing a counter ptotsester even 2 days after it happened. Priorities right Herr Trump?

He registered his campaign for 2020 within days of the inauguration. It’s so he can raise money to line his pockets, and so he can get on Air Force One and fly to campaign rallies every time the heat in DC gets too hot because of his failureS. He goes to a little Trump town and gets cheers to re-inflate his ego.

The IOC doesn’t need leverage. They only need to wine and dine a couple low level city council people, assure the, that their names will be part of history but bringing the games to LA, and then they all roll in the money.

This here is why I come to this site. Who says maturity needs to go hand in hand with age?