
Jesus. Happened to me too. I was a little confused about the timing of this. It was a crossposted top headline story on deadspin. Is this Flashback Thursday or something?

Ronald Dahl really can boil down complicated adult world into something just so right for the kids. I adored him as a kid and now to see my kids reading his stories completely warms my heart.

Your new neighbor

It’s not just truckers in this regulation. I can walk the 4 blocks from my place over to the train station to see what sleep apnea does to train engineers. Like the NJ Trasit train that destroyed part of our terminal here in Hoboken because the engineer suffered from sleep apnea and blacked out.

The new looking MLB imbedded clips play the commercial right away, then go black and stop. No sound either. So I get a silent commercial followed by blank screen. Thanks. I can’t be the only one who is experiencing this recently.

This is even the correct bathroom answer for the dreaded 3 day sales meetings where you have a roommate.

There are these places called cities.....

Yeah- not something I wanted to be “right” about. WTF...


At this point you are a fucking asshole republican if you are getting married at Trump National. He has been a birther for years now, and announced his wall and candidacy 2 years ago. Fuck these people.

My girls play softball and have learned so much. My older on started in the next league up this past spring. Her coach is a 19 year old now playing in Cincinatti in the national all star U19 tournament. I expect her coach as a player and coach to teach sportsmanship. I have no problems with this disgraceful display by

I would generally say that any person who brings up IQ “differences between people” is trying to justify their racism with a misunderstanding of social science.

But did Manchin vote against ACA repeal? Did West Virginia expand Medicaid under Dem governor Earl Ray Tomblin who was also pretty conservative? Yes. Did the expansion help West Virginia tremendously to the point that Senator Capito, a republican, voted against the ACA repeal? Yes.

This is West Virginia. Senator Joe Manchin is probably the most conservative member of the Democratic Party in the Senate. You want a (D) next to someone who will win in West Virginia, you are not going to run a progressive.

The price discrepancy has more to do with the way the coal industry has gone the last several years. Many coal based energy companies have lost 90% of their market cap. The question is what a Russian was so dumb as to bought into a dying business, or as your comment implies, were there more nefarious purposes?

Yes- the waiters and gardeners at Mara a Lago that Trump brings in every year are all highly skilled. We don’t have anyone here that can do those jobs....

I have had issues with my seat being given away even though we were checked in, as well a lost stroller. The people in Honolulu are so friendly, but so inept. I can handle rude airport workers being a NJ guy, but I can’t handle the ineptitude and the Oh well that you get from people in Hawaii.

Tell me about it. I have flown through Honolulu a few times and it’s brutal when you arrive wearing jeans coming from the cold northeast in winter and walk out into that humidity. Talk about immediate swamp ass.

Did you see the other posts? Do you realize how many people in NJ work in pharma and its ancillary businesses? He is representing his constituents, myself included as someone who lives in Nj and works in pharma. If your senator turned his back on the single biggest source of jobs (and not just some blue collar factory

God I wish Bo lived in the age of cell phone cameras.