
I don’t understand when I see people at dusk/night or during a dark rain storm without their lights when I know for a fact that their model car HAS AUTO HEADLIGHTS! When I buy my car, I put the auto headlights on and don’t touch them again for years, unless a valet guy turns them off. Why the fuck wouldn’t you use the

I have a version of the first one about no lights on during a rain storm. It is when I see an SUV or minivan driver with his rear wiper on even though the last rain was 2 days ago. This means the driver has not looked in his rear view mirror for two days.

It looks like a terrible Michael Bay era Transformer halfway through its transformation.

I love staying the hell off 95 by taking the Merritt. Beautiful scenery, limited on and off ramps, limited police surveillance. Obviously depends on your starting and ending point.

I am convinced Trump is going to make it legal to beat up old ladies in wheelchairs and trash their wheelchairs to benefit Big Wheelchair with more sales. I mean, how fucking backwards and evil can these guys get?!

You may want to educate yourself before spouting the easy “blame it on pharma” response. The last few pharma companies making vaccines do it basically for goodwill.

My sister and I debate this quite a bit (funny because I am a 41 year old dad and she is a single 38 year old still dating). Anyway, here is my take: I think that the average male model body is harder for the average male to achieve, vs the average female achieving the typical female model body. For a couple of

This was designed, executed, and built in the good old USA.

Hey- sick and tired of assholes from Oklahoma or whatnot these days talking shit about getting tough with with terrorists/Muslims/etc when they were/are/will not ever be a target. So yes I get a little sensitive about this shit considering personal losses. But a little self deprecation from a Bayonne guy is all good.

Hey Fuck Face- more residents of my small North Jersey city were killed than any other city or NYC neighborhood in 9/11. I just stretched among the 57 trees planted in their memory after my run today. If you aren’t from around, STFU. If you are, you should know better.

All current intelligence says that NK could nuke LA in 5 years at the current development trajectory they are on. This is bi-partisan intel- the same intel from under the Obama administration.

I starred both you and the Dangerous commenter. You are both mostly right. That’s the fucking problem here.

War sucks. You in what sucks even more? A paranoid rogue state with a nuclear weapon that can reach Los Angeles within 5 years. And that’s what is happening with North Korea. So the current track can’t continue. GWBush, Obama, and now Trump have not done anything to stop this progress

Trying to figure out “Title X” funding comes into play for healthcare...

Thank you. It’s ungreyed now but never know how this stuff works. My powers are stronger on Jalopnik than here!

I am reading the links, etc but the most important question isn’t being answered. Planned Parenthood, and other federally qualified health clinics, don’t just get big blocks of cash every year. Just like a hospital, or private doctor, in our current fee for service insurance environment, they see a hypothetical

The scary thing is your sarcastic comment is probably true. These guys probably grew up with very physical discipline on themselves, watched others discipline pets the same way, “raised” fighting dogs, etc.

RIP Matt Foley

Covering up rapist football players, several years after having one of your basketball players murder someone with the coach implicated in the cover up.

I have also seen that the Audi S and RS cars are more powerful and quicker than official Audi numbers. I have an S6 and see plenty of posts and 0-60 logs on the Audizine forums where both the S and RS cars outperform factory numbers.