
Thank you! You just don’t get the good shit like this on ESPN!

Re: the Twitter case: I thought about joining Twitter purely so I could send shit to that big orange fucking gas bag in my White House. Funny to think that being critical of Drumpf would lead to DHS trying to come after you.

My daughter like to watch Berenstein Bears. Now every time that damn show is on I think it was modeled after the Pence household, where everyone is named Mother, Papa, Brother, Sister.

This tournament is one of the worst I have seen in years. Disappointing.

Came here to say this. I was on Rt 78 headed west from JC to my brothers place in Bedminster on Saturday afternoon. I followed a 6 year old Jetta and a Mini coupe thingy with the funny roof at about 90mph for miles on end. My wife was buying new sheets and towels in her iPad, my one daughter was reading, and the other

My brother had the hatchback version. It was the sporty one. Alloy wheels, stiffened suspension. Pretty sure the auto in it was only a 3 speed. Piece of shit of course.

Have you ever had a person near you with a 3 year old and no seat? Had one behind me who obviously was older than 2 (I’m a parent myself of two kids who are now 5 and 8). It’s not the money that makes airlines require a seat for toddlers. It’s the shit storm that happens when a 3 year old tries to stand between his

A politician  not wearing a flag pin might as well be a commie atheist. It would be creating just headlines left and right. It would be the same people criticizing Colin Kaepernick.

Yup. This goes in the paperwork. Any holes drilled or things attached, I don’t take delivery. Same with servicing- decided to try one dealer and my car came out with a 49 cent black ring around the plate. Told them quite loudly that I don’t drive a Jack Daniel I drive an Audi so get that shit off my car. First and

Jesus H Fuckin Christ I can’t believe the people in that place are still defensive. Fuck them in eternal hell.

Replied elsewhere but addressed this. The original HB1249 allowed guns in the Capitol building!

Can I take the opposite stance for once on here? The HB1249 bill would have allowed guns in government buildings, INCLUDING THE STATE CAPITOL BUILDING. I have been waiting for the gun nuts to finally step up and walk the walk- all too often these concealed carry bills don’t apply to where the fucking lawmakers work,

Pretty sure it means “whale’s vagina.”

This what I was thinking earlier today. Don’t average Trump supporters say “I don’t want anyone tracking me”? Where does the Venn diagram crossover of trump supporters and those suspicious of Big Corp and Big Govt come into play here? Or are they basically so infatuated with the cult of Trump they they can find some

Pretty sure that a few porn sites say that shemales are big in Red state flyover country. Nothing wrong with that in my book, but the Bible thumpers who are beating off to it might get in some trouble.

Carvel. We wouldn’t get through a whole one in my family, and would bring the wrath of god down on siblings who ate leftovers when it wasn’t their birthday. Your cake- your leftovers too.

Didn’t see the numbers- crazy.

I would argue the best part of private flying is getting to small airports that take multiple legs on commercial flights.

This company isn’t mature enough to attract private equity. Sounds like their ops/pricing structure need a lot of help too. Maybe some VC firms would get into this, but even those firms are starting to get sick of “the Uber of ____” start ups.

This is why I come to this site. Yes, good hard news about a struggling underclass of university workers, annnnnd dick jokes.