
Agree with you but, if W can use whatever stature and influence he has left to push Trump to be not as horrible, I will take it. We need all of the anti-Trump help we can get.

I just caught a few minutes of an old “Hunter” episode this weekend on a random cable channel. I remembered that when that show was originally aired I was 10 years old and thought Dee Dee McCalls car was really cool.

Writing from liberal NYC area, and even I vomited a bit on my mouth when I heard that preposterous statement.

My son will only play for the Lakers.

10. Close enough. Have it on DVD. Classic. Hated Chet at the time (had two older brothers myself).

That’s a good bear.

I would be interested to know if in his introduction, Chris Matthews said that the guest was a rep from a group recognized as a hate group by the SPLC. Did he ask the guest about this classification? Or just let it slide.

Didn’t a bunch of women do that in the Full Monty? Definitely impressive. Until the end when it dribbles.

Agreed. But if the ice cream company doesn’t even often a vanilla or chocolate flavor that don’t taste like shit, then maybe they need to re-think their strategy if they want to sell to the masses.

Well now they can increase Hellcat sales by like 50%! So they will go from 10k Hellcats sold to 15k. That will more than make up for not having a decent mid size crossover, not having a compact car, barely having a midsize sedan.

I hope this guy finds a better job somewhere that will align with his standards and not be so myopic in theirs.

I’ll give you 60% at 40% of the cost for Philly (Wish I could cc: all my born in Philly friends- they have complete inferiority complex!)

Revenge is a dish served best with a side of baby shit. I gave had people block my building driveway. That’s when I grabbed a poopy diaper from the baby’s diaper pail, smeared it all over each door handle. Asshole gets the message and no permanent damage. Either that or let a lot of air out of driver side tire. Then

On top of that, when the CTE sets in 10 years from now and he doesn’t know his own name or can’t button a shirt, are we still going to ask him his opinion on geopolitics?

The worst is when I see cars that I KNOW have an automatic headlight setting, but they don’t fucking use it! Jesus- you buy the car and turn on the button once and NEVER TOUCH IT AGAIN! It doesn’t get any easier and yet geniuses still screw it up.

Not to pick silly fights, but I am not sure what you may be referring to. 2010 census shows 1195 people per square mile in NJ. Number 2 state is RI at 1018. And this surprised me, even more densely populated than RI was Puerto Rico at 1088, still behind NJ. I also composed that list in my car while sitting in Union

Think you got your directions mixed up there fellow NJ bub. Think you meant to say northwest Jersey is nice (rural, mountains, farms) and the asshole Yankees fans are northeast NJ (Bergen Hudson Essex Passaic counties). And you need to get out around parts of South Jersey- plenty of grossness in Vineland, other areas

Texas will turn purple soon.

This. Nissan embraced this earliest and across its entire line of products. It’s because Nissan is the Japanese Pontiac- better to “look fast” than actually go fast. So you have a front wheel drive CVT car with enormous fake exhaust tips labeled “Four Door Sports Car”.

They voted for him. When their benefits disappear, when the jobs don’t come back, I say let Beatyville fucking burn. Let it burn. Let them die in the streets because they have no healthcare. I don’t give a shit anymore. I vote against my own financial interests because I believe equality, opportunity, lifting up