
I agree 100% with the useless stupidity of the X6. Was just saying that modern manufacturing techniques allow this so hopefully it will work on behalf of us sometimes with niche sports oriented models.

I think any SUV is stupid compared to a wagon (don’t shove that brown diesel shit in my face- give me RS6 Avant or AMG wagon please), but this X6M is the height of stupid. But guess what, I don’t care. With platform sharing now, automakers have the ability to ramp up and produce niche products. It’s a good thing

The Republicans are in charge, but don’t care. I heard an interview with one GOP congressman today, and he wanted to investigate. Not investigate the fact that multiple high level people in Trumps circle had contacts with multiple high level Russian intelligence peoplerir to the election, but instead he wanted to

Scott’s from Costco and I use 4-5, never with problems. What’s Drew thinking?

Should not have clicked. Should not have clicked. Should not have clicked.

Auto transporters are some of the highest paid truckers out there....because they are supposed to know what the hell they are doing.

Edit to my post- what looked like only wing support poles in the Jalopnik article are actually ties downs. My bad.

Look more closely. Those are poles going to to a block on the ground.

I zoomed in- best I can tell those are just poles to prop up the wings.

They are growing them even stupider in OK now that the yokels in charge have fucked things up so bad that many school districts have gone to 4 day school weeks. So don’t expect an enlightened group of Okies in the next 10-20 years.

This entire post is going to devolve into the one with the huge white trailer that a guy kept in his driveway. All parties are bit dickish, but that’s neither here nor there.

CPB has zero accountability right now. So no matter what you think about Muslims, the travel ban, national security issues, or Donald Trump, we all have to recognize that Trump was a moron for the way he rolled out this “policy”. There is a reason for including stakeholders, the people who have to execute policy, etc

As assault charge (I assume because he bumped a dancer) as well as terroristic threatening? We haven’t militarized our entire life or anything have we?

You see a LOT more dogs in Turkey now vs even just a decade ago. I also tend to run around in more secular circles in Istanbul and Yalikava, so that might explain it.

And your dog won’t pee on the bed!

Was thinking the same thing- that was a really long straight! Even an older 220Hp I6 BMW is going to hit some serious speed on that straight.

Would be nice to see this sort of info in the article- thanks!

Meh. As an NJ resident who went to college in PA, sometimes there are weird old laws on the books from way back when.

Ok- but explain to me where the huge money comes from? Parts? The military uses its own people for maintenance so it’s not like they are bringing in Boeing or Lockheed Martin or whomever for the labor part of the repairs. Or is the maintenance rolled into the initial cost of the plane/tank/ship for the first x number

Aircraft repairs and maintenance doesn’t employ quite as many Boeing employees across 38 states like a new plane project does. The Republicans don’t care more about the military than the Dems or vice versa. It’s about pork. Like when the Generals say they don’t need a new tank but the politicians budget the money for