
Sarah- can you provide an email address for you or Fittish? I would like to pass along a story tangentially related to the marathon (about a pending lawsuit against the NYRR). I would love to see the Fittish/Deadspin community act out on this. Thanks.

5th Gear:

This is the correct comment.

This guy was my wife’s history teacher 25 years ago! Pretty surprised that Mountainview HS would suspend the guy. My in laws still live in Los Altos and it’s a pretty liberal town.

It’s great to expose the BS pulled by track, but I guess in the end the race organizers are the biggest losers due to their own stupidity. This is like Goodell telling NFL teams not to tweet highlights, or even worse like the old local TV blackout rules- they simply speed up the process of killing interest in your

On an automatic car, why would you need a manual handbrake? I don’t live in a hilly area and therefore almost never use my parking brake anyway, but why take up the space with a manual handbrake? I have one in my company car (Subaru Forester), but it’s got a touchscreen for infotainment anderefore the center console

Why even bother giving these people any coverage at all? Jalopnik doesn’t need them- they need Jalopnik. When the track goes belly up due to lack of interest they have only themselves to blame. They only have to look around the country to see the number of small race tracks closing down.

I hate to use the term, but I do think that a lot of this election came down to “likeability”.

As someone who lives in the NYC area, I can absolutely say that the glorification and idolization of the police and fire fighters has gone completely overboard since 9/11.

After the Bridgegate convictions here in NJ there are a lot of people (and not just liberals) looking to impeach him. Trump and his team could read the winds and canned CC. I love the fact that after being Trumps go-fer, getting mcdonalds, etc, it’s great to see him spurned. Fuck you CC. You are a disgrace to NJ.

I can’t believe how many times I have had to bring this up with Trump supporters. They voted for a guy who will install in the Surpreme Court someone who may possibly kill unions once and for all. The Republicans have been ushering a case to the Supreme Court that will make union dues voluntary. This basically will

Way to actually read the comment. The commenter talks about the various auto factories that were already in Ohio, giving Honda a good pool of experienced auto workers to hire from.

Trump is going to appoint a Supreme Court justice who will preserve Citizens United to ensure that the swamp won’t be drained, as they like to say. That Supreme Court appointee may also hear a case in which Union dues are no longer mandatory, which basically kills every Union in the country. Wisconsin which voted for

There are plenty of bigots who voted for Trump, but if you look at the 2012 election, Obama won a LOT of rural Wisconsin counties. They all went to Trump this year. Those people voted for a black guy twice, it then went to Trump. They aren’t all bigots, but they are fucking stupid. They voted for a party which in

No, but now they get to tell jokes about gays, blacks, and Muslims (nit using those terms I am sure) because we are done with political correctness!

Hopefully some of these states will at least join this coalition to effectively end the electoral college. New York just joined.

You are correct, but those same people have to be told the truth, because trump certainly wasn’t doing it.

Wasn’t there some saying about Jesus, then football, in Texas? Cuz they may need to flip the order around. Am I the only one who is disgusted that this is a religious institution in what is supposed the Bible south, yet they care more about football that sexual assault? WWJD? Of course it’s not like we haven’t seen

I have been scheming on where I can try launch control with my S6. I live in a city of 50k in a square mile so it’s not anywhere close to home!

Unless you are rich and can afford a membership to a private track, then IMHO there reaches a point of diminishing returns.