
The typical Buick driver can’t remember where they parked it when they drove to the mall for their walking session, so it’s perfect for a concussed person.

Star for using the word “ensuing”, which has been been determined by all English teachers that it will only ever be followed by the word “kickoff” or some variation thereof.

If you need proof that this egomaniacal guy surrounds himself with yes-men, just look at the fucking suit. Jesus his tailor must cringe at that horrible fit. He goes out and spend $5-10k on a suit and then has it fitted like that?! He looks like an ex-con who got a suit from the Salvation Army for his first

Jesus HF Christ watching those things basically materializing out of the rocks freaks me out. Go you stupid lizard. Lizard brained is now a compliment!

While your anecdotal account is probably happening all over the country, my concern is that the polls are under-representing the Trump vote. Many analysts think that there is a decent size contingent of voters who are ashamed to admit to a pollster that they are going to vote for Trump when they are all alone in that

How can you ruin something that is already stupid?

This is too funny. You know, because 99% of accredited and peer reviewed scientists agree that there is no debate- Human activity has significantly changed the climate.

You have never heard of English tan shoes with a blue suit? It is a perfectly dressy look, though one I usually sport in the warmer months, and with lighter or textured (i.e. Saxon weave) blue suits. Darker blue suits do call for cordovan or darker brown, but again we have the colder 6 months for that look here in

If it has tassels or a place to put a penny, it’s a loafer. Those are slip ons.

Gotta agree with you. I live in NYC area, and have no desire to live in burbs. I am 10 minutes from Wall Street, 15 to midtown, with Manhattan at my doorstep with tee borough prices.

I love cars (obviously, being on Jalop), but have no use for racing. I thought the idea in racing is not to let people pass you, while pass others? If you have rules that complicate something so simple (looking at you, NFL with your catch rules), you have a serious problem with your product.

Your comment is awesome, but you are probably an outlier. The majority of fat people are NOT healthy. Type 2 diabetes is rampant. One throw of children born after 2000 will end up diabetic- we are looking at MASSIVE health care bills in 30-40 years.

What’s the last S you drove?

Wish I was back there. I was 3350. Wonder how the old building is holding up. Watched a lot of games next door at Justin’s when I wasn’t going to the games. Enjoy the fun.

Blow me

I stayed at the Mandarin on the inner harbor when I was in Singapore. Walking around I would hear a shrieking engine, and glance over and see a Ferrari doing 50mph. I don’t think I saw many roads in Singapore with a speed limit of more than maybe 35mph. So these guys pay three times the sales price we do, and from

I was wondering where this is and had a few random observations:

A lot of life insurance plans (not the health insurance we are talking about) have exclusionary provisions for certain activities such as skydiving, scuba diving, car racing. I looked into this (a buddy of mine works in the biz and we both go to high performance driving schools and racing schools).

Depends where you are.

Not a millennial (Gen X), but I send my kids to various activities with my nanny in an Uber with my account installed on her phone. I held out for awhile but the service is better than the local taxi companies, I can see the rides, the time they get picked up and dropped off, etc on my phone. Whenever I have my nanny