
The best part about some of these “ISIS attacks” is when all of the facts eventually come out.

Gotta love how these guys rub themselves to the pocket Constitution that they carry at all times, but conveniently forget about it when there is a brown person involved.

This guy is a wacko.

Between this and the shot put “throw” to home plate the other night, I think Dellin’s psyche needs a break as well as his arm. He is looking very fragile recently.

Ok, not singling you out here, but CAN EVERYONE STOP WITH THE “HOT TAKE”?!?!?!

That was the bigger part that didn’t get covered much by the press (bigger in that it affects more people than the travesty that is the bathroom part of the bill).

It was very jerky at low speed. It hung onto revs oddly. It wasn’t particularly fast when shifting (what is supposed to be the primary benefit of these). It was glitchy (every now and then the clutch wouldn’t engage- I hit the gas and the refs jump like it’s in neutral even though it’s in drive- was never replicated

So I am guessing I shouldn't rush out for a test drive?!

Considering I had a Dart a couple years ago as a company fleet car, I am guessing that FCA sold quite a few to fleet or rental companies, which contributes to thin margins.

It was Met Life. New Giants stadium in NJ. Sorry that question mark on the end was a typo.

First thing I thought of!

Your money is better spent learning how to drive at a good one day day HPDE. Skip Barber, Lucas Oil, Bondurant. You will get more out of those than renting a beat up Ferrari.


This is about the only reason to have a high powered semiautomatic rifle. Feral hogs are a huge environmental nightmare in TX and other states. I can support this (hell I am a liberal from Jersey).

As an Audi guy, I would agree. Who doesn’t love that blat blat V8 sound? But previous head to head (might have been Evo review?) said that the RS7 couldn’t hang anywhere close to the old Panamera GTS when the road turned twisty. They each have their advantages

Was going to suggest Russians. I have family in Turkey. If there is a tourist striking a slutty pose for the camera at a holy site, you can pretty much guarantee she is Russian.

Long conference calls, therefore I don’t want to hold the phone the whole time, so I use ear buds. But I also keep the phone plugged in so I don’t chew up a ton of battery life for a long conference call. Guess I am shit out of luck. Guess I have to travel with crappy earbuds and switch them to my Bose notice

Are you asking Deadspin to go out do some reporting, as opposed to posting a video with no background?

Have them on my last two A8s. Great for little sleeping kids!

On a sad note, what kind of world has it become when I watch this and say thank god this young black guy didn’t get shot for fleeing.